
@Will Hopper: RIM did not buy out Quickoffice, they bought out DataVis Docs To Go

@RuckingFetard: The operating system is not what is supporting mobile me, but an application called quick office

@RaindropBebop: Palm already has the visuals when switching apps, this is just a new way of doing it, they already have the full multitasking, this just allows it to work better than before. Their synergy thing is already in full swing with the cloud, they are just improving what they already have. My pre pulls my

@kuba.la: Palm says that it will work on the palm pre

@akuma_619: Its pretty hard for a regular police officer to locate these devices. If they are driving next to you and their cellphone refuses to connect, the last thing they are going to do is look at all of the nearby cars to see who has a jammer... Regular cops probably dont even have the tech to triangulate the

@njchessboy: I agree. Penicillin has changed the world in more ways than anything on this list

@Benguin: Im pretty sure that the older Mac OS created the applications folder inside the home folder by default, as I am 100% sure I did not create mine. The more recent ones ( I am not sure when this was implemented as my profile has been migrated since 10.3) do not auto create the folder

@PACKFAN4LIFE: Does that game even count as part of the Splinter Cell series anymore? It has the same people, but removed the spy part

@moothemagiccow: Lets see what kind of tablet the HP and Palm combination make...

Sad steve does basically shut down for a week or so every few months until the guy who runs it gets the $ from donations that it cost him to run the site for the previous month or 2. Not that this is a bad thing, but its good to know that occasionally when you attempt to use the site, search will be temporarily

The mother is 19 with a child who is a few years old... immaturity at its best. Nothing really more to be said.

I don't get how it is so hard to optimize it to work... On windows things work fine without having to select certain configurations of machines for the update to specifically apply to. Are they tailoring the games specifically for those gpu drivers? They technically all will be running the same versions of Leopard or

@goldandguns: and what about the recent people who have been stabbed, hacked, shot etc on campuses? Having weapons increases the chance for someone getting seriously hurt. A fist can do damage, but a sword can do a lot more in less time.

@Slinkytech: Most college campuses have a strict no weapons policy. Its probably also specifically mentioned in the housing contract.

@FritzLaurel: That and they are the people who buy RAM that has been tested to be "Apple compatible"... whatever the hell that means

@RT100: the glass is dishwasher safe ( i went to their website, and the entire inside of the bottle is a removable glass thing that they say is dishwasher safe)

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Sorry to burst ur bubble, but it is not only possible, but not even complicated. Every year there are around 20 stings in the country of Georgia where people are caught attempting to sell Uranium. All it would take is one of them to succeed and the terrorists have the ingredients, making the bomb.

Lets hope terrorists dont get one of these...If a terrorist ever gets their hands on an atomic bomb its game over. Society would be in mass chaos, in the US you can basically throw the bill of rights out the window, mass searches etc..

@ThePriceofEggsinMalta: stable? I had a blackberry that crashed a ton... it was to the extent that i could go through a single day without a minumum of 10 battery pulls