
@AnonJr: things break... but they were not taking care of it or using the correct things...

@atrus123: In the Fall, Palm is going to release a major change to their os ( giving mic and camera APIs making the os working faster etc.. sourced on bottom), basically version 2 of their os).. along with probably announcing new hardware... Palm currently has a "Hot Apps" program where the most sold app developers

@rashad123us: There are about 2700 in the American Store with a different amount in other stores ( each country has its own apps)

@sega8800: apple hates giz... remember the entire prototype story...

I have a palm pre ( its overclocked) and the screen has yellow discolored circle that appears on the bottom when the phone gets hot ( it goes away when the phone cools off though)... the iphone could just be suffering the exact same problem

@cyber★: if you are throwing out an old computer.. are you really going to go file by file? or just bootnuke the computer?

@kylecpcs: Transmission works with magnetic torrents as well ( just incase u didn't know it does)

@Lizard_King: version one of the software? webos is now version ... there have been constant updates at least once a month ( many times more), adding video capabilities, text forwarding... etc.. the company is not on the rocks because oh yea HP bought them... this current phone may not be the best, but i am

@octasquid: take a look at these places

@kylecpcs: vuze is big and bulky .. what makes u like it?

@BiggieShorty: I completely disagree... its like the baseball question.. it does not slow the game down by having replay, people dont want replay for strikes and other pitches.. they want it for things like tagging and outs. If it was used in the Us/Slovenia game they would have seen their error and reversed it and

@Praben: baseball has some replays tho

@mossiprose: I feel like the EVO wont reach its full potential until Froyo comes to it

@mossiprose: I'm right there with you. When overclocked the pre is still competitive with the rest of the current phones. The major webos update ( mic and camera api etc ) comes out in the fall and might be followed by new hardware

@zeezey001: those are two different situations entirly.. and im pretty sure nintendo wont release the game on other systems

@Dylan Thomas: "all of AT&T's pre-order iPhones have been reserved as of 4:30pm "

@JosephCole: they do make trailers specifically designed for transporting wave runners ( this was a wave runner and not a jetski in the video)... you aer not supposed to get the car or van wet while doing this, the van is not made to be put in water