Ok, you have no idea what I’m actually saying because you refuse to read it, so you tell me to fuck off? How do you even know for sure you disagree with what I’m saying?
Ok, you have no idea what I’m actually saying because you refuse to read it, so you tell me to fuck off? How do you even know for sure you disagree with what I’m saying?
Oh brother, sorry we can’t talk about this like adults.
J’aime faire des croquettes au chien
I sure am! Trouble is, in the eyes of someone like Sarkeesian all sexual content is sexist content regardless of context.
Her opinions are basically the same shit as Thompson, no, she’s not a lawyer, doesn’t mean there aren’t still similarities.
lmao, always the same insults with you people, morons like you just cannot handle any sort of a disagreement or difference of opinion.
My thoughts exactly, he’s not fooling anyone with that hair/goatee combo.
Nah, I’m done, it’s a person who is impossible to have a level headed discussion about so I’m gonna quit while I’m ahead.
2004 is WAY too early to call the end of the net’s golden age.
This reminds me of a Silent Hill Japanese guidebook I’ve seen that has really nice illustrations of game environments.
No, I’m not.
You are correct, 2 Live Crew was purposely trying to be provocative and push people’s buttons, it’s no wonder it was controversial then and it’d still be controversial today with songs like “Me So Horny”
I don’t want to name names, but a certain figure in the ongoing controversy over video game content.
“Star Trek Generations is the stupidest movie ever made. It ruined everything, and not just Star Trek movies, but everything.”
Patrick Stewart: And I do other stuff, like I go to the World Cup final, and it’s Germany versus England, and I wish that I were playing, and suddenly I am, and I score the winning goal, and they carry me into the dressing room and there’s Roony and Beckham and then Posh Spice walks in and...
Stewart has also signed on to play the lead in Wood Rocket’s “Jean-Luc Prickhard” series.
Well, I did say 1980, the specific date the mini series aired, not “1980s” which would be reffering to the whole decade.
“You can catch Jack Thompson, later infamous for his equally hard-handed pearl clutching on the topic of violent video games, in at least some of those clips.”
I would certainly be interested in reading it someday and this new miniseries sounds interesting.
I’ve been meaning to read for those for over a decade.