Kawaii as Fuck

And don’t forget that people practically worshipped the ground he walked on once upon a time, remember Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog?

Why the bloody hell they didn’t just adapt Gunslinger and work their way from there makes no fucking sense to me.

I’ll just say this, the post-Obama days have made for some strange bedfellows, that’s for sure.

Oh, he deserves what’s he’s getting, I just don’t take as great joy in human misery as many people seem to do these days.

A war with Iran is probably an inevitability, it sucks but really it’s amazing is hasn’t happened sooner.

That’s probably really what happened.

In fairness Friedkin being a believer (or at least open minded to the possibility) of this stuff is big part of what makes The Exorcist so effective.

The “myths” like Dionysus and Osiris were the results of shamans tapping into the spiritual world and seeing visions of the coming of the real Messiah. 

Shrek is an animated movie, it was just a cameo in Basterds.

Oh wow, I forgot all about this, but didn’t he also give Adrianne Curry a nip knuckling in that one episode where they were eating sushi off her nearly nude body?

I saw a webm of that miscarriage scene in Possession on /tv/ once with no context and never having even heard of the movie before, it freaked me out good.

Mike Myers has not *starred* in a movie since Love Guru, unless you were talking about Troyer.

Bizarre, I JUST finally watched Love Guru a few days ago, which Troyer has a major speaking role in.

And it’s too bad because Langoliers is a great novella.

I really liked Silent Running as a kid, I digged it’s slower pace to sci fi.

And so this amazing technology was never really utilized because why would it?

His daily ration of sundaes help though.

The 80s was king of watchably bad movies. 

And he liked tits!

I also wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox bows out from the next generation.