“When The Man Comes Around” is a great song that never ceases to give me goosebumps.
“When The Man Comes Around” is a great song that never ceases to give me goosebumps.
In fairness Kaufman probably would have wanted it to be two hours of a bare ass that just stands there and farts.
When someone is both ugly on the inside then the outside is fair game.
Carrey didn’t handle the inevitable dip in popularity every funnyman eventually succumbs to, he tried branching out into “serious” acting and that didn’t really work either.
KB Toys is what my town had as a kid and that place was Heaven on Earth for me.
And the fact that shippers are taking it that far is insane.
That seems to be where we’re headed terrifyingly enough.
Jaws is a bad book but one of the greatest movies of all time, if anyone could turn a bad book into a good movie it’s Spielberg.
I can’t understand why people won’t even give the movie a chance.
What does it say that very Catholic movies like The Passion of The Christ and The Exorcist usually depict Satan as female?
That’s a much more interesting setting than Rise.
Nuggies? I think you mean tendies.
Well, since it’s a third person game surprise, surprise, the camera is going to often be focused on the character’s posterior, that would be true whether it was a male or female character, so that doesn’t count.
I hope you’re right, but at the same time I fear Americans are just too stupid for change to happen in a logical way and instead people have to be dragged kicking and screaming into progress.
Yup, it’s a terrifying idea.
Regulation, like getting rid of assault rifles at least, would be a very good start, but the Virginia Tech massacre was carried out with handguns, any lunatic who wants to carry out a mass shooting is going to use whatever guns are available that are designed for the purpose of killing humans.
How is she still objectified? The character is still an attractive person, but the clothing she wears is practical, her breasts aren’t as cartoonishly pronounced and there’s never a moment of “hey, check out this hot chick”ogling like in the older games, in fact she spends most of the game covered in mud and blood.
I have a distinct memory of being in a doctor’s office circa 2007 and You’re Beautiful was the doctor’s ringtone, the fact that this was over a decade ago now is hard to take.