Kawaii as Fuck

Are you that fucking stupid? You said “no one has even considered using nuclear weapons in the last 80 years with the exception of one day in the 1960's” and I gave you an example where a false alarm resulted in people considering using nuclear weapons before deciding it was a false alarm in 1983.

I don’t understand why people have this obsessive need for as little clutter as possible, a little clutter doesn’t hurt anything so long as it doesn’t get out of control.

So it’s Romero’s version of World War Z? (The Max Brooks novel, not the crummy movie)

It bums me out too, he was such a cool and profoundly talented guy.

The animated Heavy Metal movie was my first exposure to Moebius. 

The art style reminds me of that “Get Zwinky” website from back in the 00s.

The Billion Brick Race War

Judging by the hole in the satellite picture!

Well, Seymour, I made it, despite your directions.

I’m 28 so the thought of Scott Baio doing shit like this while around my age to a 12 year old boy is astounding, as if I didn’t hate him enough already. 

No! Not the star of Zapped!

Dude weed lmao.

Uh, we’ve come close to nuclear war a lot more than just “one day in the 1960s”

The year is 2018, the battlefield is Rotten Tomatoes and the war is over Black Panther.

How are they able to make is THAT detailed? It’s insane.

Darkman 2: The Return of Kevin Durant.

And yet a Halo movie never happened even though that would have been the most obvious choice for a movie adaption ever.

“of a couple killing a bear and then having sex on top of it.”

Yeah, how has the mid-00s gotten so long ago?