
You weren’t entirely wrong on that impression. I don’t think she’s an actual sim, but she looks like they hired a random instagram model and gave her a completely absurb backstory/bio to serve as a more appealing face for a small and otherwise less exciting movement. I mean that could just be because this Elizabeth

in a just world she settles for being Eric’s mistress and then finds out there’s no inheritance once all the debts are paid off

Figure skater? Really?? I consulted with my niece, who is a retired figure skater and keeps pretty much in touch with that world, and she never heard of her either.

Olivia used her Crew experience to get back from the yacht as soon as she heard of her moms arrest.

Aren’t all chaps assless and crotchless?

I was glad to see that Prada has hired Ava DuVernay to be their consultant on this kind of thing. It’s ridiculous that this has to be a job, but at least black women and men are getting paid to help white people be less racist.

He’s in established franchises. Very few of the people who see Jurassic Park movies, the Lego Movie sequels, and the Marvel movies will avoid them simply because Chris Pratt is a tool. After these end, there is a chance that he will tank, but for now Star Lord/Owen/Emmett is safe.

That must be the WORST graphic design ever.

Wild. Please let them pick Wild.

If a 26 year old man is rocking that hairstyle odds are pedo.

Yeah, the argument about Michael Jackson that always sticks out in my mind was Ta-Nehisi Coates’ elegy in the waning days of his tenure with The Atlantic. This would be when he was grappling professionally with what he has always regarded as the biggest failing of his career, to ask Bill Cosby about the sexual assault

fan’s need to check their crazyness A LOT. flooding places and different channels bc - how could your fave star ever do anything terrible?! - most of us dont know the facts of anything but blindly supporting someone just cuz you’re a fan is fucking stupid

I was sexually abused as a child. I lied about it even to sympathetic seeming people as a knee jerk and self preservation reaction. Even when I could admit some of the abuse, I would lie, deny, and hide the rest. Because people act different, look different, treat you different when you disclose. It makes you feel

I got into a brief argument with my friend about this. His point being “why wait so long...?”. We didn’t have much of a conversation about it but basically it’s not that black and white. Plus that’s exactly what people said when Christine Blasey Ford testified against Brett Kavanaugh.

Cause no one who has been abused has ever covered for their abuser ever right?

That’s the way you want to see it. 

Welcome to the era of #metoo, where we now actually make an effort to stop and listen to victims of abuse rather then believe that our heroes are infallible.

Revenge is odd? MJ hurt his son, so he wanted to hurt MJ back. If his kid had been molested by a nobody and he had killed said nobody with a shotgun, it wouldn’t have helped his kid but it would be understandable why he did it.

oi yoi yoi dude... by all means keep thinking your idol is perfect and innocent and all that, but seriously, stop trying to convince anyone else.  You won’t.  Just keep your fan club membership up to date and stop calling those children liars, because you know what?  That’s fucking evil.

Watch the documentary.  With an open mind.  Judge for yourself. Look in their eyes, listen to their voices and the details of their stories. Then decide. You’re free to do so. This is why journalism like this is so important: it presents it to you, and you do with it what you like.