
“...here’s a signed statement from hundreds of kids that Sandusky DIDN’T molest. So on average, he’s a decent guy.”

snark appreciated.

I’m just gonna take a wild stab at it here.  bear with me. 

On Friday, Senator Chuck Grassley, the Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, released a statement signed by more than five dozen women who knew Kavanaugh in high school, which states that “[t]hrough the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and

I’m very confident that that’s right!

Raise your hand if the theme song is stuck in your head now. 

Repro health person who works in abortion care, here. I’m glad you got the help you need. The term “abortionist,” however, is severely negative and stigmatized language rooted in the anti-abortion movement and is used to make physicians, nurses, and other qualified health professionals seem like they are unqualified

You must have missed the part that said “NON-VIABLE PREGNANCY.” You should also read the article from the woman who had to terminate her very much wanted pregnancy because it wasn’t viable. Women are not stupid. No one decides at 32 weeks to just get an abortion.

I am curious about something written about Pete Davidson previously. Was he really considered a “Wunderkind” at SNL? Does he write a lot that I am not aware of? Because he seems like a weak link to me. Other than his honesty about mental illness (which I do admire), is he some sort of comedic genius that I haven’t

This is kinda mean, but I honestly thought that last pic was of Elon and his two kids.

Minor quibble to add: Violet is also Latino and if we are including AllStars (which is kind of tricky because of the weird format), Trixie is Ojibwe.

Ru is really tough on black queens. I’m not sure why. Monique, VIxen, and Monet. Even Miss Vanjie. All of them would have been better in the top 4 over Kameron. I still don’t “get” Kameron. I don’t like Eureka, but I understand why she was there. I’m really bummed for Asia. Meh, for Aquaria. Good for her, she is


I think the coaching women in the West are given throughout their lives to consider everyone’s feelings, not make a scene, and to doubt your own senses can slow (some) women to taking action on gut alone. (“He’s my partner and surrogate father to all my kids! Maybe I understood something benign?”) The Vanity Fair

She is brave for doing this because she will be attacked mercilessly online.

Oh, I think your article is probably right. There is a huge demographic shift taking place in this country that the Republicans are terrified of in the medium and long-term. This is the main reason the Republican establishment was willing to roll over to Trump — they will do anything to to delay their inevitable

Interesting article, thanks for posting. As for the original question, trolling or not, there is no need for the tetchy answers partially given here as I find the question relevant. As for the trans/race comparison, the slate article basically says it: Being trans is a condition you are most probably born with,

So, here’s my attempt to answer. It depends on how you define “social construct.” It’s a social construct in the sense that the distinction is more social than biological, however, that distinction does not, and has never, rested with the individual but with society. People in US have a hard time grasping this because

“That race “means” anything is a social construct. That my skin and hair and features are different from yours and can only get that way because of who my parents are is not.”

Jimmy Fallon can fuck right the hell off.