
True... I just wonder if enough people will start to be weirded out by him and stop seeing his stuff. 

Uhhh based on that Instagram post (the graphics, my god) should we countdown to him being a full crazy and untouchable in Hollywood?

I feel like “It” was pretty popular and kind of put the younger Skars on the mainstream map. Maybe her team thinks this will be the same. I am just gagged that she is a mom because it means I am old. I’m like “Intern April Ludgate a mom to a tween? No, no, no, no!”

Ok just stop. It does not raise a bunch of questions about us. So many rapists and eventual murderers start out with this exact behavior: stealing women’s clothing or peeping (though I’m unsure if the latter is the case here). People are completely justified in being creeped out! Please get off your high horse.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Holy shit, Gaga. What an impressive woman.

Oh guys! He said “shit” how edgy - just like AOC! Pffff this dumpling faced asshole can fuck right off.

Just to clarify, are you saying that it is his mom’s fault for not knowing/assuming that MJ was a predator and putting him in that situation in the first place? Are you saying that the people in the MJ camp and even Michael are absolved of their crimes because of her ignorance at having him enter and win a dance

Things are complicated with this and many other cases. There are people who would say that R. Kelly and Harvey’s cases aren’t clear cut actually. There are a lot of similarities between the three and there are a lot of differences. I don’t really think that the fans have done their research. Can you please reply with

I absolutely think that a victim can lie. What do you think these victims are lying about? What do you think other victims in high profile cases are lying about?

The person you’re replying to is an MJ apologist and troll. Don’t even waste your time. The kids clearly aren’t biologically his, but it is OK, they don’t have to be. There are so many people who just refuse to see the writing on the wall with anything to contradicts the image or messaging that the Jackson team has

Why don’t you think those accusing him are “real” sexual abuse survivors? Please don’t answer with Jordan Chandler, there are numerous issues with what you just posted. I think it is kind of fucked up to bring unrelated abuse victims into this and say it is somehow disrespectful to them. It’s not about that, it is

So, this is unrelated to Rami in particular, but my boyfriend brought up a really good point recently with regards to the discussion around predators and R Kelly. Why does Michael Jackson get a pass? I hemmed and hawed a lot, and said, “well, I think it was a weird not proven thing that only the kid’s dad claimed or

Fucking right. But what about all the white men who tap dance around it?

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right. Do you have any proof though? I am dying to know more about what this fucks been up to and what kind of life he recently lead. 

Why won’t anyone just say he is racist? Anyone in politics, I mean. There are so many examples and quotes that directly support it. The president is racist, he said X, Y, Z. When he was on the Apprentice he is reported to have done x and y. The president is racist. WHY can’t they just say it?!

10 YEARS?!? Ugh... that fucker will most certainly die in the middle of his trial.  He looks ancient as fuck for being in his early seventies. 

Oh, I have tried that only to have the nurse just announce it.... It might have been out of habit, but it pissed me off!

My good friend’s brother toured with blood on the dance floor for a while, and the stories she told me were fucking insane. Like mother and teenage daughter hotel room sex shit.

100% this.

Meh, I’ll still take them (albeit infrequently). I notice a difference in my skin when I take my Ultimate Omegas... I am prone to dryness and irritation otherwise.