
At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

I’m an attorney who has been in several jury trials, and I can tell you it’s easy to miss something like this going on. There are so many other things happening during a trial (examining your witness, listening to testimony and quickly preparing your response for cross / deciding whether to object or not, pulling out

ironically, richard matt was originally sentenced to be hung.

I would bet my right arm this ass wipe pays little to no support.

Oh, let’s be real. Dude isn’t paying child support. There’s no way.

If we can’t get working adults to save their actual income for their very imminent futures, how on earth are we going to get horny teenagers to consider an abstract percentage of their theoretical future income and how much of it might be spent on something that hasn’t happened yet, and expect it to profoundly affect

Saying the show is politically incorrect is like claiming Colbert Report is politically incorrect.

Maybe. But he’s a guy who seemingly does nothing these days but A) performing comedy and B) talking to comedians. So I’m guessing he’s not entirely talking out of his butt here.

Blatter and his cronies make Ricky and Julian look like Professor Moriarty.

This is like explaining to people how Borat was not actually an anti-semetic movie.

I see there is no option for “Yes, I have a weird, self-destructive boner for men who actively repulse me, so I would totally sex him but give him a fake phone number.”

“You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

If your blanket fort is made from sweatpants, I’d choose another hiding place.

Welcome to Jezebel. First article?

She uses language with such casualty.

She used the wrong word cus, like, poetry.

But why is it funny. You’re under no obligation to tell me why you think it’s funny, obviously, but to me it’s just more of the same ol’ “this bitch is prettier than this bitch” that none of us ladies need. What a predictable way to welcome Caitlyn to womanhood: through bitchery.

While this is certainly a dumb chart, you would have to be high to believe that this is saying 146% of Americans have tried weed.

I have proudly boycotted FIFA all my life. I am American after all. :)