
Wait.....you mean Trump is an inexperienced chump who has no idea what the fuck he’s doing?

“If you’re an adviser to him, your job is to help him at the margins,” one anonymous staffer told Politico, “To talk him out of doing crazy things.”

“He likes to describe Trump’s presidency as being in “beta mode,”

And also Donald Trump essentially inherited his initial wealth and has underperformed most basic investment metrics over the same period of time.

It was a quote back in 2010 too. I remember a bunch of the Te Party guys swept into congress got interviewed and were asked about their plans right after the holidays and were like “we had no idea you don’t just go in and do things right away. We don’t know how any of this works.”

Donald Trump: Hailed for parlaying his name and expertise into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

He doesn’t care. He doesn’t consume information that way

Fuck a duck. I hope beyond hope that every single GDMFing Trump voter gets random volcanic diarrhea from now until Chumpkin gets impeached and removed. *rage-punches wall*

Well, it starts with wanting to have the Inaugural Parade down Constitution Avenue feature tanks and missiles.

“To talk him out of doing crazy things.”

Now I wonder just how close America has been to a 4 am dick pic... tweeted at North Korea.

Yeah, unless he left it at Mar-a-Lago by mistake.

“To talk him out of doing crazy things.”

I finally put into word my loathing of Kellyanne. I perceive she enjoys gas-lighting, it gives her a thrill. Just my inference, but it is possible.

generally manipulate Trump by explaining how his actions will play out in the press rather than how they’ll affect the world.

I misread the headline. I thought this was A Tale of 2 White Broads, and expected these two. But then, they are The Simpleton’s chief advisors.

Abdus-Salaam was the surname of her first husband, who was Muslim. She never converted. She did start her professional career with that surname, though, so even after divorcing and remarrying her second husband, then divorcing and marrying again (the Episcopalian), she retained that name since she was well known by it

No where in the blog does it suggest her husband is a Muslin, how can you be a Episcopalian church Priest and be a Muslim>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Abdus-Salaam’s husband, Episcopal priest Rev. Canon Gregory Jacobs, has rejected the suggestion that his wife ended her own life

They kinda are, but there is too much public pressure.

At least they’re not just brushing aside the opinions of her loved ones.