
I’m surprised that McConnell has lost sight of the long con too. He’s come off as rather impuslive now that he has ALL the power and no checks on him. It’s going to blow up in his face. I just hope we have a bunch of cameras around for that moment.

Gorsuch is not a moderate, and since Trump really doesn’t care about issues and isn’t actually a conservative, it’s possible that he’d pick a more moderate nominee to ease confirmation and look like he’s actually doing something. Especially now, given that Kushner seems to have beaten out Bannon for the time being.

I really love how Republican’s do a bunch of horrible things and then blame Dems for doing so. It’s completely the voice of abusers. They obstructed and blamed Dems for government shut downs, they blame Dems for going “nuclear” in this choice. They love to blame Dems for their own actions and choices. Just like an

The GOP already pulled the nuclear option back in 2005 when they first said they’d get rid of the filibuster and that was only over a handful of judicial nominees Democrats wanted to block. It’s been gone since then since they were always going to use it if Democrats didn’t go along with what they wanted. Democrats


What you’re referring to was not the nuclear option. Harry Reid’s procedural change on circuit court appointments and sub-cabinet federal agency heads was not unprecedented. This is.

I agree. The refusal to even meet with Garland was disgusting. They flat out stole that seat and they should be ashamed (they clearly are not). And I agree that the two situations are very different but we are still in the same place, aren’t we? The Senate is supposed to be where you find the professionals, the

I absolutely agree. The Democrats were in an impossible position through no fault of their own. I don’t know what the answer would have been but I do know that in the long run this will hurt our party and our country. I was furious over the obstruction Obama faced but I wonder if we had been as good as the GOP about

I’m not trying to detract from what you’ve said here, but I’d just like to highlight a major difference between these two situations. When the Republicans refused to appoint Obama’s appointments it had nothing to do with who he was trying to appoint. They were insistent on blocking everyone and nullifying the power of

I desperately want RBG to be a prankster that would put a whoopy cushion on Clarence Thomas’s seat. And a flaming pile of shit on Gorsuch’s.

What other choice did the Democrats have? The Republicans literally said we’re not going to confirm a single apointee of Obama’s.

And when, inevitably, the filibuster is abolished for legislation too, the Senate will essentially be no different than the House. So, how about we get rid of the electoral college and show these bastards the true tyranny of the majority. New York and California will use their sheer numbers to crush the flyover states

No that’s not on them. Whose making the Republicans use the nuclear option? If they had any interest in working with the Democrats they would put forward another nominee (which, again, should have been Merrick Garland to begin with) The political games the Republicans have played is shameful.

Nope this is all on republicans what did you expect dems to do?

Hey! He’s grabbing that flag by the pussy!

The Senate went “nuclear” the second McConnell told us he wasn’t giving Garland a hearing.

That’s idiotic. Both parties are not equally to blame. Democrats had few good options. Reid and his team agonized for literally years avoiding this...how are they “equally” at fault? I am so tired of this false equivalency bullshit that helps scumbags like McConnell and exacerbates this shitty situation.

Nope, there only one party that refused to give Merrick Garland a hearing. Only one party that set the record for Filibusters. Only one party that flat out refuses to work with the other side, and it’s not the Democrats...

(Well,technically she got her change...no more husband!)