
I am SO HAPPY to see Orange Caramel, objectively the best K-Pop group, finally see representation on Kotaku.

It’s sorta a free game. You pay for $0.01, and you get the 1 cent back for Nintendo’s Gold Point Reward lol.

Bob should’ve been his own hero. He’s infinitely more interesting than “generic sex kitten with a gun”.

Something new, like Diablo Kart? Diablo Kidz?  Diablo Builders?

Terry so down on his luck he had to get gender reassignment surgery just to be in a new game.

If memory serves me correctly, they made the game with the “I’m a Fighter” tagline, less overtly fanservice physics to try get people to take it seriously.

Then it didn’t sell like they expected and they told their developers to unleash the kraken and started selling $80 DLC packs full of fanservice.

I cannot agree more. It was perfect on Vita, and it’s nice to see it on Switch. Actually, it is my experience with Salt & Sanctuary on Vita that has me waiting to pick up a Switch before playing Hollow Knight.

Even doing that, there are so many guns out there it’s like Pandora’s box. You’re never gonna stuff that shit back in it.
Any significant legislation, forcing people to hand over their weapons, would be a blood bath and at the very best just result in the wrong people having guns, those who would use them on others.

What’s especially disturbing is that these guns are untraceable and virtually anyone can obtain them, criminals included. Yet again, after having experienced some of the scariest mass shootings in history, America is now making it easier to obtain creepy new guns.

Apparently 62 million Americans prefer these traits in a president.

I don’t think that you could borrow the games and bring them home, really. You could play them on-site, and it was not even a disguised rental affair, for the drinks were not more expensive than in other bars in Kyoto. And from the online reviews, it was a rather chill bar...

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

Welcome to Rapture, Valve.

Same here. Its as if a group of teenage boys were hired to make a god of war ripoff. oh wait, EA. right.

So disappointed we didn’t get the follow up grim and gritty action game adaption of James Joyce’s Ulysses.

A co worker of mine did this for all of this 1000+ games

Yeah, for sure. Even Horrible Pig Boss Ton has layers that get explored.

My son wanted to watch it coz it looked cute/funny. He was bored halfway through the first episode, and I was laughing my ass off. I’ll keep watching, and he can revisit it when he’s had his soul crushed properly in the workplace.

This show is amazing. The characters are fantastically fleshed out, there’s some great character growth and development, and it’s amazingly well voiced.