
I did not know this.

Every. Single. Generation. However, we are verifiably the best pirates, for sure.

Not a bad idea, even if it’s just to make Jesus feel better about returning. Seriously, who crucifies anymore?

Why doesn’t he take a bath?

This was the correct response.

There’s a delete option. You can do this.

He was born and raised in the 50's, y’know racist halcyon days.

Vile person here, and I loved this article!

This was the awesome my morning was looking for. Thank you very much!

Obvious troll is obvious, and delightful.

Rag Doll Kung Fu

I did take it all in, over the course of several “episodes”. I would say that Jessica Jones is Danny Rand’s real victim.

Thank you!

Ok, so I’ve been this guy and I’m going on record to say that just about anything is -A-OK after ejaculation and the entire situation is going to be judged on the quality of orgasm by most guys.

That guy is Finn jones. They should still fire the iron fist.

I saw him and thought he was “The Iron Fist”. Am disappoint. The suffering will continue.

The goood samaritan law covers all actions he has been trained to do for an unresponsive or person willing to be helped.

Because repealing this law only matters if everything about the country changed when Donny was elected. Most of the commenters here believe that. Now we have corporations like Univision telling us corruption and apathy of the powerful own everything like never before and it happened entirely overnight.

I was amazed by the same and took similar photos a year ago. It was like rolling in Vita.