
@exion: ....there are other people in the world who didn't love that game? Really?! I thought I was the only one.

@rdgalactus: Immensly stupid moment there, where I wondered for a second why they would be applying anything to Mass Effect 2. It's already out, if nothing else.

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Agreed. In the story mode I wanted to be able to run around freely (free-run, if you will) and just enjoy the system, but actually I was just constantly being chased, and a few seconds' pause meant that I died. Which might not have been so bad were it not for the fact that there often seemed to be

My current laptop has just died, so I'm looking for a replacement. I would usually do vast amounts of research myself, but without easy internet access (borrowing other laptops atm) and with a severe lack of time, I was wondering if any of you fine people might have some recommendations.

@VladMalice: /reporting on gaming news. Some people might be interested from more than a flaming point of view. For example, I own both consoles, will buy FF, and differences in graphical quality are relevant to my decision-making process on which to buy.

@Marshall Chriscoe: Technically, I believe it's just down to pronunciation. If you pronounce the 'h' at the start of the word, then you would use 'a'. If you don't pronounce it (for example, you say 'otel' instead of 'ho-tel') then it should be 'an' (because you use an before a word starting with a vowel, and

@Rebochan: Well, settings and various elements have been added and changed. Obviously there are some pretty major differences between the materia system of 7, the junctioning of 8 and the grid system of 10 for example. It just seems like the recent changes have been somewhat greater than that. Suddenly only

Obviously the Japanese RPG (and previous Final Fantasy games) aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I don't quite get why they are so determined to change everything in the last few games, when they sell record-breaking amounts with each release. I sound like I don't like innovation, which isn't true, I do think it's

@Bloodspoor: Took me a couple of checks to notice that. Bad skim reading. Slightly misleading between the article title and the line before 'not many'.

@Pyro3000: Actually, FF X-2 International has some pretty substantial additions (monster catching, including them as party members), extra costumes. And FFXII International changed the grid system to a class based style. But they are generally just extras for Japan which also change voice acting and fix bugs from

@Chowderholic: I can cope (although still get annoyed) with a missable item if I've clearly just ignored clues and so on, but the Zodiac Spear was completely ridiculous. Don't get some random treasure at various points in the game, otherwise you can't get the strongest weapon. Did very much seem like something you

@firudesu: Personally I feel that that is incorrect. DLC content would ideally be something to add to your game to enrich the backstory etc. In actuality, it seems more to be something to think about when making the game, so you remember to leave something out and then charge for it later (different costumes for

I would have to disagree with your statement of 'These days, DLC is not just expected, but a given.'

@Ladi: You might want to get ready to stop supporting them then, seeing as most final fantasys, and both Kingdom Hearts games have had 'international' editions. It might not happen with this one, but it's a pretty standard feature. And seeing as they're only released in Japan, you can probably just ignore their

Hopefully it'll be a tad harder than Fable 2 at the very least. I like to have to press more than one button/use a range of moves to complete a game.

@roman2838: Agreed, in the last generation or so I've always been under the impression (and I'm sure I've read in various places) that consoles always lose money. Sometimes quite a large amount of money. But then they make a lot on each game sold.

@Dreamwriter: Seeing as they've gone on about it being a multi-media device, I would say it would be pretty easy to fill up 64GB in general (films, series, pictures etc.), although yes, possibly not just from downloads in one month. And an SD/USB adapter, rather than just having it built in, is a bit lame. Just