Katie K.

I think Shiv realized exactly what she said - she had no faith in Ken. She never has. Not only that, but he’d screwed her over so frequently that she had no reason to think she wouldn’t be screwed. Even if she wasn’t, was that the life she wanted?

oh i didn’t get at all that the rally energized him. to me that (literally) knocked him down to reality. sarcastic, cutting remarks don’t mean shit if you’re getting punched.

The way both Mencken AND Matsson outmaneuvered and played them in these final pivotal episodes confirms that yes, these are idiots playing a grown-up game they were never really ready for.

Where did Ken lost Shiv? Honestly it probably just dissolved over the course of the day after she woke up that morning and the glow of sibling bonding wore off. But if there was a moment, it might’ve been when Ken started talking in the board meeting and immediately behaved like an impatient little shit instead of

You caught me, I clearly loathe this TV show I have written 25,000 words about and given uniformly high scores to.

He survived but he’s forever shackled to Tom for better or worse. Considering he started the series working as a park mascot, he’s done pretty damn well. But being forever in his romantic passive aggressive relationship with Tom doesn’t strike me as particularly nice. But I get the sense they’ll stay as a warped

He was vastly overpaid because he was tangentially related to the family who owned the company. Tom is keeping him on because he’s basically his only friend, but he’s going to be paid a reasonable salary for the position now. Although, I would guess that he’ll probably get promoted quickly anyway, for obvious reasons.

As someone who has loved Tom from the very first episode, this all made me very happy. As someone also well aware that Tom is a pretty awful person, this made me extremely happy.

I don’t know how you can watch this show and think capitalism isn’t a problem. It’s literally what the show is about. Capitalism has killed and abandoned people just the same way as any other system.

I don’t think the board is fully aware about Kendall’s drugs and parties like you think they do.

Capitalism is a massive problem. You can’t look at the inequality it creates and not think “that is seriously wrong”

One episode left and still have no idea how they are going to wrap this up. I keep thinking after every episode that it feels like another season is needed but maybe that is just because I want more.

I am kind of wondering if Stewie is somehow going to end up the winner in all of this?   I can’t explain why I feel that way.

Thank you for reminding me about that.  I had forgotten.

There also was that time on the yacht when he was expressing how terrified he was when taken hostage. He was mocked mercilessly for that too.

What’s sad about this episode is that this is the first time I have felt anything positive for Roman--this was the first time he expressed a single decent human emotion.  Then of course he is mocked mercilessly for that very thing.

I don’t know if Caroline is any worse, she seems to be her own brand of abusive. She just isn’t the “sun” the same way as Logan is (i.e. being a global figure so the kids can more easily let her go).

Also I do think Kendall is sort of felt justified in saying Logan created them because well from the siblings point of view Caroline sort of left them. Like when Kendall wants to confess his own mother makes an excuse to leave. Shiv doesn’t want to tell her own she’s pregnant because she doesn’t trust her. Roman is

Justice for Connor Roy. He was the only Roy who didn’t even get a chance to give a speech and He was the ELDEST SON. JUSTICE FOR CONNOR ROY.