Katie K.

With the whiff of a filler set piece, this subplot had all of Richmond’s players remembering that the best way to spend a curfew-free night in Amsterdam is to not go see tulips, not eat Dutch food, not attend a private party, and definitely not bear witness to a sex show and instead to have a pillow fight(?).

This was definitely an episode that either one went along for the ride or fought it most of the way. I see Manuel is holding court in the latter. But I was all in. First breaking up the group so one had these mini-adventures was a blast. Roy & Jaimie, sure Roy learning to bike was an amusing part of it, but the

Yet we still don’t know who voted to see tulips.

...once Rebecca lets herself enjoy her life she finds the most peace...

Shout out to Greg cosplaying cruelty in the foyer with Kerry. He’s mean, but lacks the wit of his cousins. Awkward AF.

Was Logan Roy right or left handed?

Sublime dialog, . . . Hugo has no relationship with his daughter [the REAL tragedy, amirite?] but ‘cannot recollect’ if he spoke on the phone with her one day earlier in the midst of the death of his boss.

He wants Hugo to quietly undertake the exact plan that Roman just vetoed with great disgust.  

First, shout out to Zoe Winters, who has done a great job as Kerry these last couple episodes. With everyone else trying to maintain their composure as they strategically maneuver, Kerry simply freaking out as her world burns has added a very welcome contrast and energy. I also thought it was a really nice touch to

Nah, it’s an underline. If it was a cross-out, it would have started in the middle of the K, not under it. And then Logan slipped as he moved on.

He wants to him to release the stuff they pitched to both he and Roman about trashing Logan to help burnish the new co-CEOs.   Hugo wanted official confirmation that Roman and Carolina were on-board since that plan was just rejected and Kendall blackmailed him into doing it on his own with “no fingerprints.”

No fucking way Logan is underlining—unless he draws a smiley face next it. Sorry, sure my grandma liked to underline every word on the birthday cards, but Logan won’t even hug his grandkids. Kendall knows it’s not an underline which is apparent in why he’s questioning his father’s love.

Speaking of Jimmy James, he’s trending on twitter. Probably for being in two HBO shows one after the other, lol.

Tom’s desperation was the highlight of this episode for me.

Funny in hindsight: the reveal that Hugo’s “fucked me in the ass with a strap-on” comments are being directed at his daughter.

Jeremy Strong smiling that soft killer’s smile just before the credits dropped was an absolute rewind moment for me. That was Logan’s smile on Kendall’s lips.

I am disappointed  that we still haven’t seen Ewan at all. This is his brothers wake and he hasn’t shown up yet. Man some good family drama and we don’t have Ewan yet for shame