I really thought that was a photo of Demi Moore and Matthew Perry, and I was oddly delighted. Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix...not so much.
I really thought that was a photo of Demi Moore and Matthew Perry, and I was oddly delighted. Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix...not so much.
I only got two right. I don't know if I should feel sad or relieved.
Yeah, I'd also be worried that in some (albeit hopefully rare) circumstances, a woman and child might be hiding from an abusive ex and might not want their picture and whereabouts broadcasted via the internet.
I was about to post exactly this.
Was there ever any conclusion to that lawsuit that alleged that Elizabeth Meriweather stole the entire plot/premise of the show (down to the specific character quirks) from someone else?
I'm confused about how her mother can both insist that Amanda does not have a mental illness, yet then say, "These allegations stem from Amanda's mental state at the moment. They have no basis in reality."
It is! I wish my hair were a little bit longer so I could have one like it.
I started the read the Harper's article, but then a few sentences in, I saw a sidebar thumbnail of Emma Stone with a really cute haircut and clicked on that instead. So.
There was a girl whom I met when she was 19 and I was 24 or 25 because she briefly dated one of my friends. I couldn't stand her at the time. She was always trying to be this aggressive, exhibitionist sex kitten who talked about how she took Nietzsche to the bar with her and just wanted to read and drink a beer, ugh,…
That looks like a blanket covered in fake fur. I am going to pretend that is what it is.
I mean, girls are generally taught pretty early on that we should sit with our legs together. I'm sure boys can be conditioned to the same degree...right?
I read your comment after texting this to my boyfriend:
I thought I might be able to help you out by luring the other one away ;)
Which one of them do you want for yourself?
I appreciate Gawker attempting to distance themselves from Deadspin's food list after producing lists themselves of such things as 'nuts, ranked' (see: tag - nuts http://gawker.com/tag/nuts)
Yeah, I stopped reading after this: 'In America, we see Islamic women all covered up and think, "That poor woman, made to be ashamed of her body!"'