Ratz again

I LOVE Thanksgiving. My family is cool. The food is excellent. We all say what we are thankful for. Its a total stress free Holiday for me. No lingering bad memories of Thanksgivings past. But, I cant see my family until Christmas, so just some solo wine and bread and cheese for me.... which also sounds pretty good!

I do love the show, and it’s been off my radar for some years now, but they DID do an abortion episode a long time ago. Dennis and Mac figure out the best way to meet women is at an anti-abortion rally. Mac dates one girl, and when she tells him she’s pregnant, he immediately says “Oh you got to get rid of it”. As it

I say he got the short end of the deal with her. He’s my favorite, and I have dreams about him!

I’m having a delicious tea au lait right now with full fat milk.  delicious.  and I like the taste of milk!  I drank it with meals all through college and never had a weight problem.  It fills me up and satiates my hunger.  LOVE LIVE MILK!

Do any of these women actually live in Potomac?  Oxen Hill isn’t exactly known for being upscale.

I thoroughly enjoyed that novella.  It had such an unsettling quality to it.  

He looks like he should be a character on Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia

I know, I should be grateful!  I just want more animals! i want a stumbling mass of daemons, getting underfoot and riding in hot air balloons.

Really? I thought it was woefully lacking in animals everywhere. We see crowds of people and some birds or a fox here and there. I dont recall seeing what deamon Billys mom had, and she was in several key scense.  And Mrs Coulters monkey looks terrible. It should look devious and dangerous.

We were also forbidden because my brother LOVED horror and sci-fi, but would get terrible nightmares.  I was a coward, but i remember clearly a scene where there was a light in the window where no light should be....woooo.... Chris woke me up screaming and Mom shouted “Did you watch Dark Shadows!”

i read she abandoned almost all her charity work after she was no longer a royal.  i dont really see why she is so idolized.  because she was pretty?  she brought her emotional turmoil on her sons.  what good mother does that?

i’ve had minor plastic surgeries done for bags under eyes, jowl lifts.  lip lift.  no one who knows me can tell i’ve had work done, but it does keep me looking younger than i would have without. 

I love it!  such word sausage.  

57, never married, no kids.  It’s so much easier now.  I date younger men, I’m free from the scrutiny.  It’s wonderful.  I might get married one day, but it is certainly not something i want for myself.  I have my own beautiful house, and do whatever i want, whenever i want.  

Even the doctor smoked.  I remember re-watching it in the late 80s and thinking, is it supposed to be satire?  Or was that just normal for the time?

It was based on a young boy who lived in the DC area, or moved to the area... i can’t remember which. He converted to Catholicism. My mom used to dance with him at Catholic youth dances in high school.  

It’s funny. I tanned as much as I could until about 40, and then went strict sunscreen. My face never tanned which saved my skin now that I am 57. I can’t tell you how many guys i date who LOVE my pale skin. I wish I had never tanned at all. I’m glad it doesn’t have the cache it used to. My nieces are so good to their

Adam Driver is ugly hot.  I finally realized it

I LOVE it!  Get all my girlfriends together...drink some margaritas... its perfect

As i was reading the early part of your comment i thought, What about Sarah Conner and Reese!  I love that scene.