Kat with a K

Nope. Imprison them all. It's the only way to ensure social order. We can't just let these delinquents run around smoking their pot and their dope and their weed. What ever happened to morals and not running around naked wearing only the most hideous faux fur boots and a viking helmet? Those were the days. When men

Good point. The government should at least not give a shit about its people equally.

Been there, done that. But fine. I'll just go lay on the keyboard.

How the flying shit is it that in 2015 there are still people under the laws of the United States who don't have full rights and citizenship? Why am I asking this in a comments section on a pop-culture website? I need a nap.

I am feeling very understood right now. Not that I care or anything.

Ok ok ok- so it was a bad joke.

By far the most fucked up thing I've heard this week.

I predict that this monstrosity of a series concludes in a giant blood bath, in which nobody survives.

Lunch beer should never be a ponder. It should be a plan.

He's just mad because his rape threats keep getting deleted. Must be rough.

I'm still trying to figure out what it takes to get deleted on here. The moderators seem extremely lenient to me.

I am from the U.S. and I'm taking it back. Easily one of the more versatile words in the English language next to fuck, and dick… I'm also pulling for us to adopt the use of the word quim, but my hopes are not high.

My mom exposed me to every kind of music imaginable. It was great. My stubborn little self refused to acknowledge how cool any of it was for most of my childhood. I shamelessly indulged in the boy band craze and told my mom to take her music and shove it… Then age 16 struck, and I found myself craving an alternative

I second that theory.

I always wonder just exactly what it takes to get a comment deleted from this site… I am still unsure.

I for one only bring home men when I have decided I am ready to break up and don't want to do the breaking. I let 3 generations of alcoholics do it for me. V. effective. Merry Christmas, it's not you… It's them.

Which will set the stage for a Nintendo Extended Universe and the first of a Kirby Trilogy, lead by Adam Sandler as Kirby and Kevin James as the rest of the cast… Wait, strike that. Adam Sandler will PLAY THEM ALL. The NEU's story lines will all converge in a Smash Brothers smackdown wherein the only satisfaction to

Personally, I'm more interested in the breakdown of the molecular composition of that travesty atop his noggin.

Thank goodness I don't watch hand-held horror movies… My nostalgia has remained in tact enough to feel bitter that the digital age is stealing my generation's look. Next they're gonna go after the early oughts… When the pleather comes back, nobody will be safe.

As much as I was thrown into convulsions of ecstatic laughter watching that… I couldn't make it through. My coworkers are looking at me funny. Thanks, Internet.