Katie O'Neill


Thanks for your answer, but it actually makes me more confused. Are only serial alleged abusers condemnable? How does the fact that the overwhelming majority of abuse victims do not report their abuse weigh on that?

Assaulting a passed out person (who may have been drugged?) is not a “different times” thing. It’s an immense violation and is indefensible.

Maybe people weren’t saying the word consent, but even in those CRAZY TIMES they knew that you don’t initiate sex on a passed out person. Because that’s fucking assault.

This is what happens when you buy one on sale for $19.84!

Uh, the victim passed out and woke up to find Takei trying to get his hands down his underwear. On what planet is that respectful?

So you’re not ready to believe it because it is inconvenient for your politics?

After this news broke, I started seeing comments from one or two people on industry sites saying “if you’ve worked w/Takei, this does not surprise you.”

I’m not sure what my age or the decade in which the alleged event occurred has to do with your complete misunderstanding of what is being called sexual assault here, but I was born in the 60s - so yes, I was alive in the 80s.

Right, so when someone is drunk and passed out I can take their pants off and fuck around and then when they come to and are like, “Woah STOP!” I go “Yeah, sure,” and it’s all good?

I would dispute that for every Weinstein or Moore there’s an innocent guy getting accused. If any of these accusations are false, they’re extremely rare. And I’m not sure Clash’s innocence was ever actually proven. It seems he was just cleared legally because the statute of limitations had expired and one of his

We believe victims, right?we can’t cherry pick who we believe when we don’t want it to be true.

Let’s not beat around the bush here.

Not to parse every sentence, but I don’t think he was saying their admiration for him made him think it was okay. He was just saying that their admiration for him created a power imbalance he claims he didn’t perceive. He thought it was okay because he created a fiction that suggested that if he asked for and received

I am not saying this to say what he did was okay but I think we can all agree that consent is something that can be fuzzy around the edges. The right thing to do, of course, is to not operate at those edges.

I recently watched a fairly compelling but also maddening documentary about the making of the Dana Carvey Show called “Too Funny to Fail.” Colbert and C.K. are featured heavily in it, along with Steve Carrell, Carvey himself, and a string of other recognizable faces. This show was heavily hyped and given a prime slot

Unfortunately, I know a couple of victims who cite articles like that which Jezebel did as part of why they don’t generally want to talk about it to anyone, even people they trust.

Remember your totally unbiased and professional reporting on the uva case? The fact that someone pays you to write words after that witch hunt is mind boggling.

Oh, sick burn. Way to deflect the conversation. They teach you that in “journalism school?”

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.