Katie O'Neill

Honestly, i’ve worked in the (luxury) hotel business and I was all ready to side eye her claims, but after reading them, i’m much more inclined to agree with her than the hotel.

You dont kick people out for smoking, you charge them a shitload of money the next day without telling them. When they call back and ask about

That’s not how privilege works anyway. Someone who is genuinely non-binary but presents male will still receive male privilege in many (but not all) circumstances because many forms of male privilege are granted based on conscious and subconscious perception.

And women can be sexist due to internalized misogyny, so

Sam Smith identifies as Non-Binary.

As long as it’s all consensual who the fuck cares what people do in their personal lives.

Now playing

Internalised misogyny is a helluva drug, eh Pink?

I think the reason HIV medications are covered is because there was a point in late 80's where we had a rapidly growing HIV epidemic and only AZT as treatment. One medication will only remain effective against the virus for a while. That was a very scary prospect.

1. No one is getting anything for free. It comes out of our taxes.

I mean, I’m entirely on board with universal health care so that everyone gets their meds for free. But barring that, stopping the spread of infectious diseases is pretty obviously in the public interest. If giving Albert his HIV meds means he doesn’t spread HIV to Bill, who therefore doesn’t spread it to Charles and

At the risk of answering like a conservative: Why pay more? The cost of giving people free needles & preventative drugs is TINY compared to the cost society pays after they’re infected, & have infected others, & continue committing crimes to get their drugs, & so on.

It’s a public health issue. HIV meds are VERY VERY expensive out of pocket and it is a communicable disease. It is in everyone’s best interest for people with HIV to have a non-detectable viral load, because it’s what stops transmission and slows the epidemic.

You’d be shocked, though, at how medical folks, supposedly smart, educated people get about someone having HIV. Like I’ve had patients where other nurses whisper “oh, that person has HIV/AIDS. Should we put them on contact precautions?” Fucking NO! Were you not planning on wearing gloves when you came in contact with

wait he kissed your hand or your mouth? is kissing someone’s hand considered assault?? huh?

Oh my god, Jujy. You can’t just ask someone why they’re in Dubai!

Wendy Williams is a trifling ass trick whose own home in in disarray. The end.

I have been trying to impart this to friends all day. I’ve had to be part of a prosecution team on historical sexual abuse before. It turns out a lot of people close to the perpetrator(s) know, or suspect, but everything in their world would go to hell if they came forward. Does that mean the person who knows about

What is with the first paragraph snark? It reads as if you’re shaming her for coming forward in a time frame not suitable to you. Coming forward is hard, especially when you’re the victim of someone in the position of Harvey Weinstein. She came forward now, so good for her for finally feeling comfortable enough to

It was both victim-blaming AND poorly written, a real winner.


They’ve managed to both victim-blame AND demonstrate a complete lack of comprehension of how local news works all in one sentence. Being a reporter for a local FOX affiliate station doesn’t put this woman in the category of “pandering Fox-Bot” in the same way that being a reporter for a local NBC affiliate doesn’t

This sounds a lot like shaming this reporter for not coming forward ten years ago