Katie O'Neill

“[hung out] with Jacob (again).” I think that actually reads hu w/ Jacob again. Hook up.

Clearly you’ve never seen one of those ‘summer fun’ ig pages/tumblrs that contain lots of:

hu with jacob is hook up with jacob, not hang out. ;) I’m an old, but not *that* old.

Yeah! I find the one where they’re kissing while she’s flashing the ring really, really offputting. What’s next, a sex tape on a pile of money

After spending time on their Knot page, my Gaydar is sounding off the charts. Amd she clearly never grew out of thw young crush fantasy phase. Nothing about this will end well.

Yup. That’s what Jezebel has become — I got greyed after speaking up about some bullshit article Meghan wrote — I think I was commenting on the myriad of factual errors she always makes — and it was back to the greys for me. So pathetic.

Wait, if nobody else knew about their engagement, who was taking all those pictures?

No, it was very clear. She was the creepy dude always pining for the girl who was never interested but always still kept him around anyway, but because she’s a girl and not a guy she wasn’t labeled creepy by the object of her affection.

i just find the composition almost comical. like huge smile on her, pained look on his face. it’s not NOT funny.

Glad someone else said it first.

There are Lifetime movies with less obsession than this story


Brian later told me that it took dating a few other people to realize how badly he got treated by them, and how I was the one he always went to.

I feel that people are looking for an excuse to bash Beyonce, it’s so pathetic. I love the new photo of her with her babies, it’s so lovely and fresh, but then again, I’m obsessed with flowers and feminine Venus-esque aesthetics.

It’s like any other name. It has special meaning, like many names do, and it is intended to command respect, but when a kid is running up the slide, when he knows he is supposed to go down the slide, I. have no problem saying, “Sir, please show me that you know the rules for the play structure!”

A few things:

Black kids get bullied online by white people about their names everyday. We don’t give a fuck. We use honorifics in a country that refused to address us as Mr. or Miss for centuries. The Jacksons have three generations of Prince. There’s a Queen and General in my family. Better than being named like barnyard animals

I like the inspiration taken from the Birth of Venus. If I could afford to, I would definitely take these sort of pictures (if and when I have children). 

This is clearly—in my opinion—one of those instances of “here is a legally complicated situation which this bill could affect” not “this is the exact reason the legislatures wrote this bill!!” It was a shitty, republican, intrusive, poorly written bill. It was not THE STATE that did this...it was politicians. What do