Katie O'Neill

Cool pope is “cool” like the Young Pope is “young,” which is to say: it’s all very relative.

Spoiler alert, the Pope will cover up for the pedophile because that’s what the Catholic church does.

“open up the fact there’s likely a massive Paedophile ring”

Between the LDS women with their paid leave and pants and Australia standing up to the Catholic Church on behalf of sexual assault victims, I’d say it was a pretty good day to believe in Jesus. If you’re into the kinds of things the gospels describe him as preaching and ignore most of his followers’ teachings. 

They should get those 2 women from The Keepers to take this asshole down.

Not this time. This sets a huge precedent in Australia. Finally some sort of recognition of his abuse after decades of chatter.

And he’ll be quickly moved to the Vatican so that no one can prosecute him and open up the fact there’s likely a massive Paedophile ring.

is this real?  how did i miss this?

Yes? Are you hungry? Hang on I’ll make you something...


yes, that sums up my feelings as well. actually went with friends from my new moms’ nursing group, snuck drinks into the theater and laughed our butts off. a bunch of harmless fun with a majority female cast, silly but relatable. it’s obviously an exaggeration but hits home on some of the overarching themes!

I agree it’s was completely enjoyable. I loved when they went crazy in the supermarket.....my kids were always in mental breakdown mode in the supermarket so to see them just tearing the place up was outstanding. lol

I really liked it too! I went with a few of my mom friends and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I love Kunis, Bell and Hahn though... I’d watch them just sitting around talking for 2 hours!

Really liked Bad Moms, will absolutely see this. Hahn always slays me, and I adore Kunis and Bell and then you add Baranski. Done like a Butterball at 4pm!!

You can judge a country by how it treats its prisoners and in this case the prison visitors

I thought it was fun and funny and it was a good night out with a friend. This looks good too. I kind of hate the holidays for a variety of reasons but the cooking, the baking, the decorating and the gift buying all suck my energy dry. So it’s exaggerated but close enough to the mark for me to enjoy.

I liked the first Bad Moms. A friend and I, both moms, went to the food movie theater and drank wine while we laughed our asses off. It was obvs no Oscar contender but I loved the cast, it was funny, and I have DEFINITELY felt a lot of the Mom feelings they discussed. Not to the same level as the movie did but that’s

Me too. It was a nice break as I’m going through a shit time in my life. And Kathryn Hahn is everything

I didn’t adore it but it definitely wasn’t nearly as bad as that linked review made it out to be.

Actually straight-up adored Bad Moms, top to bottom. It was a high school party movie about grown-ass women! (Slinks out of the room in muttering shame)