Katie O'Neill

No, that’s a common misconception (I believed it myself once). There is no evidence of it whatsoever, but that didn’t prevent SCOTUS from siding with Hobby Lobby. :(

And yes, I actually would consider alcohol “hard drugs.”

So, what you are saying is that you know a few very lucky people. MDMA is not pot or mushrooms. You don’t know what you are getting because you have no way of testing what is in it. Also, unlike pot or mushrooms, MDMA’s lethal dosage is not extremely high even when it is 100% pure.

Yeah, which is right about the time when MDMA showed up in the US, basically, unless you were a gifted chemist.

Since at least 75% of concert MDMA is actually meth — I’d say it qualifies as hard drugs now.

Well, it sure as shit isn’t weed. I bet the dude that died didn’t think MDMA was that hard either. If you can overdose from it, then it can be considered a hard drug.

Since when is MDMA “hard drugs”

I’m sure the people normally in the tent were out dealing with other overdosing morons. I highly doubt that they were just like “Fuck it, let’s go watch the show.”

Out of curiosity, how do you think eating disorders should be portrayed?

Agreed, I think showing the dark side and also the opportunity for treatment is a good thing. We just can’t pretend that eating disorders don’t exist by never showing it. Some people might be triggered, but some people might realize they aren’t alone and seek treatment.

In before the “but won’t this just glamorize it/ encourage teens to have eating disorders?!” crowd. As someone with a long history of severely disordered eating, I’m happy to see this topic get some thoughtful treatment.

1. Is Armenian now middle eastern?

The church brings it in by ‘welcoming, encouraging, demanding’ participation from birth and then rejecting their committed members based on one aspect of their lives.

Good dad too. I’ve known him for about fifteen years and he and her mom are about as loving and supportive as it gets. I saw his pictures from Pride with them all wearing their matching t-shirts and I’m still talking about it online so I guess it was pretty damn cute.

lol no

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

it seems like recent events are influencing the perception of some of the witnesses; this seems like special circumstances. it’s not a doctor’s job to cover your body up if you’re in a medical emergency. if your pants are already off, they’re not going to put them back on for you. they’re going to try and save you.

Skittles does not call them “White Pride”. If they did I would sue them. I have the phrase “White Pride” trademarked. White Pride is the nickname I have for my penis.

This guy capitalizes Tech and Science like he learned grammar from American Gods.