Different strokes for different folks
Different strokes for different folks
Some people like that
Slippery slope fallacy
Well said. I think it’s silly to think that these kinds of things are not inherently human.
Why would that worry you
That’s Jezebel. Logic not welcome
Thanks Leonardo
Omg finally! All signs in this story point to gay man finally coming to terms with the fact that he’s not gonna come out of the closet and will take on this sad girl as a beard. Girl get real! Of course they’re from Texas
Sounds a lot like a beard situation
The problem is that you think there has to be a precedent for a name to be acceptable... what country do you live in where honorifics are not common names though honestly
Why is apple funnier than any other name?? Seriously try to explain that.
Wtf no
Why does historical precedence even matter. Every name had no historical precedence at one point
Lol yeah cause jay z and Beyoncé never think about racial dynamics gtfo
Why would regular ice cream not be gluten free
I would be surprised if there was a species that didn’t rape
What’s wrong with md
Can’t believe you’re not the only one who thinks coke is an amphetamine
Lol cocaine is in fact not an amphetamine. Oh the irony of your comment
So someone finishes serving food and forgets to take gloves off. The gloves were to protect the food from her own germs. If she’s finished serving food eating with the gloves on is irrelevant