Katie O'Neill

I dono, there’s been a lotta pushback against the idea that cpr = broken ribs. I get that broken ribs are not the main concern when you’re trying to revive a dead person, but the new school of thought on cpr seems generally to be that the old school idea that broken ribs and cpr go hand in hand is a myth.

That’s because races aren’t real. Why even talk about them like this when it’s so irrelevant. Saying oh my Greek friend and my Iranian friend have the same skin it’s weird that one of them is white. Well no they’re both “white” so that’s a weird point to make that one is white while saying that they look the same. I’m

You implied that one of them was considered white despite their similar skin colors. I’m saying they both are. Not that being classified as white says anything about your skin color

Like I said you’re misunderstanding the definitions of minorities and hate crimes

It’s not respectful to the person to call someone weak for having beliefs that are different from yours. It’s pretentious and condescending. It’s not about sides. I don’t think we really come from different sides though I’m not totally sure what you mean by sides

Hopefully people will stop thinking that what works for a particular individual is best for everyone and that what doesn’t work for a particular individual is bad for everyone. Get the fuck over yourself. Life is absurd. Humanity is bigoted and hateful. What’s harmful to the spirit is self-righteous and myopic

You are not understanding the definition of a minority or the definition of hate crime.

That’s because they’re both white

So you think that the victim of a crime being a minority is evidence enough that it’s a hate crime? You need evidence to call something a hate crime. The fact that much violence against minorities is inspired by hate is not evidence enough. If the inspiration of the crime is not documented to be hatred for the

Ok but it’s not best practice to break ribs during cpr

While you ignore the extremely complex political circumstances of the behaviors that you’re criticizing and attributing solely to Islam, as an independent entity

Lmao I have no idea what I said that you’re referring to regarding the thesaurus comment but I’m sure I haven’t used any fancy words here today or ever so that’s hilarious. You continue to straw man and contradict yourself.

You’re still not understanding what legally constitutes a hate crime

I think the respectful way to disagree with someone’s religious beliefs is to do so without calling them weak for having them.

Yeah, western ideology. You know, that morally superior way of life where you cause destruction around the world for power/building your empire and you call it spreading democracy and being patriotic. Western ideology, where we just barely started to be ok with gay people gettig married and still have big problems

As confusing as your trains of thought are, it seems Jinni was right that you turned her statement into a straw man and most of your comments have basically amounted to non sequiturs. It is true that muslims are generally regarded with less respect than non muslims in western society, as Jinni implied. Apparently you

How confusing. You take issue with treating the Muslim community with respect but you would fight for the idea that individual muslims should be treated with respect. If the singular intractable interpretation of Islam is to be at war with westerners, then these western Muslim “friends” you speak of are not muslims.

Oh ok I’m finally following your train of thought. You think that because a religion was created before it was fashionable to treat women and other minorities well that the religion itself has no value. You also think that there is only one intractable interpretation of each religion. Ok yes I see where you got

Lmaoooo you don’t think there are stats on agnostics and atheists killing people. You’re dumb as hell

Prove to me that you jive with “western/liberal ideology”