Katie O'Neill

You’re talking like there’s only risk associated with immigrants and ignoring the nonexistent vetting process we have for people born here. Every person is a risk, not every immigrant. This is life

There’s risk in everything. Just live ya life

Names are only smart if they meet your infinitely meaningful and pertinent criteria

Oh man you guys are so cool because you refuse to watch something and read articles about it and talk about it instead. So cool


Daaaaaang those tats are beautiful

Says you lol

What are the standards by which we’re measuring names. Surely not all names can be so impeccable rational and sensible as yours

Lol no I’m uninterested in douches but you are a Gemmy mcclevclev

I mean sure. There's just little he could do to make me care about him at all let alone ever call him awesome. Sitting isn't cutting it

I would call that a false sacrifice since football will be taken away from him regardless. He’s a garbage player with a garbage personality

Awesome would never be the word to describe Colin kapernick

No I'm just a card whore

How do you really misinterpret all new people that way

Omg scandalous!!! Livin on the edge holy shit

Oh my god you're so bad

Omg is this this the eulogy for that joke

I'm more concerned about all the egregious appropriation of genitalia going on in this perverted passionless hetero sex having 😱

I feel like you must be joking but then I feel like you're actually serious... Daddy help!

Get a life