Katie O'Neill

I dono I probably do if the sun is out. In a nutshell, what I read is the original commenter saying “you can’t call it murder sometimes but not others” and speedy saying yeah, we do call killing a human murder sometimes and not others

I was never pro life so I don't need convincing. I'm just saying if it weren't inherently nuanced it wouldn't be so controversial. There are legitimate arguments on both sides. Human code of conduct is all about defining under what circumstances something is or isn't ok.

Right and that was their point

To refuse to admit there are nuances is to be intellectually dishonest. The examples given did not make for a perfect analogy. But the point remains that circumstances do affect our judgment of actions. If a pregnancy threatens a woman's life you might relate an abortion to self defense.

This doctor’s comments on frogs is yet another example of how out of touch with science the medical community can be

I was thinking the same

They also break or fall off all the time

Uh there’s plenty of proof positive that no birth control method can be “counted on”

You always have to trust in any birth control method... None is a guarantee? That's obvious right?

literally any other birth control method could be swapped in for the pull out method in that anecdote...

Then don't do it

There’s plenty out there already. The victim just didn’t write a statement compelling enough to convince people to care.

Omg I know his parents are disgusting... I don’t know why they haven’t gotten just as much if not more attention than the turners. I think it’s just because Emily Doe managed to humanize rape victims and the world was stunned. As horrific as all rape is, this case is so much more sadistic than the Stanford case. Real

Um don't look into his parents if you wanna hold onto that last shred of comfort.

These guys parents are possibly worse than the tanners. So disgusting

I’m not into heroin but I’m not like how could anyone wanna do that like obviously it’s fun to a lot of people because if drugs weren’t fun they wouldn’t be illegal

Ok sure but to say you can't imagine the combo of the two being fun is like cmooooooon Tina don't be like that

They are the same..

The Venn diagram of the three is one circle

How is it fun? Try it. The codeine is a crucial step