Katie O'Neill

yeah like right leaning politics and total lack of trustworthiness.

Yeah... I’m saying ew to your gross commentary not to consenting adults.............

I’ll take your word for it but I didn’t feel strongly opposed to gore or kerry. I wouldn’t assume people who dislike Hillary do so because of a GOP smear campaign. I mostly dislike her for what she has in common with the GOP.

I really thought the reasons people don’t like her, while many don’t agree with them, were widely known. They include her income from Wall Street, her hawkish foreign policy history and stance on israeli Palestinian conflict, using a personal email server for govt correspondence. If she were the same as Obama, why did

Also none of us? Us is not I?

Was the implication not that a heavy dose of sexism influenced the commenter you were responding to?

I don't remember people hating bill or gore or Kerry as much but I could be wrong

Ask your wife


There is a lot more than her crime stance in the ‘90s that makes her a poor candidate in the opinions of many. You can intelligently disagree with us on her strength as a candidate. Claiming that people who disagree with you don’t get it is not that.

Lol don't know where all this is coming from. Lot of assumptions.

I think you're underestimating how much people hate Hillary

Speak for yourself?

So anyone who held a high position under Obama is the same as Obama? No I don't get that.

For a lotta people the closest match is like 25% vs 5%. So that's an understandably yucky feeling

Lots of people strongly implying it. CNN, NPR... Those are the only news outlets in my life

Her post is another unfortunate example of her infantile tendencies.

Thank you for realizing that

Well the fact you're saying they need to abstain for years makes it seem like you're just talkin out your ass
