Katie O'Neill

Not more messed with. As I’ve said many times it just helps the drug get their faster. Not different effects just intensified effects

Pretty much my reaction too

Haha that meme is so funny. I’m not really sure I understand your question. Basically meth and coke are fairly similar in effect. They are strong stimulants (strong like relative to caffeine/nicotine). If you’re asking if they are structurally/chemically similar... Not really. Methamphetamine and amphetamine, as I

Yeah that story isn’t surprising to me.

Yeah saliva is anti microbial and nutritious. I’m paranoid about getting adequate saliva flow so I refuse to wear a night guard and will slowly ruin my teeth over time by grinding them from mountains into sandy beaches. :)

Yeah no argument there. I just think most of the distinction between street meth/amphetamine vs prescribed meth/amphetamine is myth. The two are discussed/described much more differently than they should be.

No that's just poor hygiene/lifestyle.

Your reaction speaks a lot to the success of he propaganda campaign. I was under the same impression until college.

Cocaine and meth are fairly similar. My professor said Ritalin is very similar to low dose coke in effect (but not similar in actual structure), while adderall is obviously low dose meth with basically identical structure.

And the exact same hyper focusing effect can be created by taking too high a dose of adderall.

That’s really all dependent on dose. If you do the right amount it’s ADD “medication.” I wouldn’t assume her writing is shitty on meth. People can do good work on meth/amphetamine. It’s popular among students for a reason. Pretty sure Jack Kerouac did a bunch and he did alright with his writing career.

glad to actually use my neurobiology degree for something once in a while ;)

Uh sure... Kind of a non sequitur to what I said.

Yeah it's probably not as pure as pharmaceutical grade unless it's coming from Walt

Well said. I was gonna mention earlier that I would bet the correlation between chronic homelessness and oral hygiene is stronger than that between chronic meth use and oral hygiene.

Speed is meth

Haha I feel you. Tea is a gateway drug for me tho.

No it’s not the smoke. It’s the lifestyle associated with heavy use. You can still be a heavy user and choose to take care of your teeth/body if you care about it. It’s just that a lot of heavy users (like heavy users of any street drug) don’t give a shit. Meth seems to be kinda randomly selected as the boogeyman of

That’s exactly right. But it’s not the direct cause and effect that many people believe to be the case. Lots of drugs cause dry mouth, but if you stay on top of nutrition and hygiene it’s not a problem.