
“Never has” is quite a strong statement when you consider he made the Dawn of The Dead remake, and 300.

Write for our website!!!! your job will be to post things using the internet!!!!

They’re owned by Pearl Abyss.

Two Months Later, and it still hasn’t Launched.... It’s even less in depth than it was in April. Now they just ask for your cell phone # to send you an access code for when they actually launch.

I hope they cast Chris Elliot and make it a Cabin Boy crossover. I always wondered if he bought a monkey or not....

Yeah, but most private military contractors are just Army Washouts anyways, so they already get VA benny’s, unless they actually hire “that guy” who couldn’t serve in the military because he’d “punch his DS in the face”

You massively buried the lede here when you entirely skipped over the 2 inch collectable figures in blind boosters....


Being best friends with someone who worked on House of Cards for most of it’s life, I can tell you personally that Kevin Spacey should never get a redemption tour.

I really wanted to read the rest of this article, but got distracted by Corey Feldman trying to sing and dance and rap.

The Auto Trans on this is amazing.

The best part of Hackers was the ending credits.

Idk. Maybe?

Now apologize for Hackers

Uub.... I think he was just in the Manga recently.....

Can we cash in on that 60 Billion Double Dollar Bounty after?

I’m betting it’s Yamcha vs Nappa’s Ghost.

How much screentime did Boba Fett have in the OT again??

Why is that image not your banner now?

At least he won’t need to get his eyebrows worked over for the series.....