
The REAL Problem is that Ron Funches wasn’t there voicing him.

So as a punishment, he had to basically recreate one of the best episodes of Review.

I think he goes into detail about the difference because the Loki we’ve seen is just a Duplicate cast by Loki, while he’s off doing other stuff at the TVA. It also explains why he dried himself off so quickly, because the real Loki is dry somewhere, wearing that outfit. The green shimmer could have just been a reset

Is the End Credits Scene the TVA collecting the Variant Baseball Mitt and resetting the timeline?

Is the end Credits scene Paul Bettany’s Sign off Card from Infinity War???

I’d like to see the CIA take over this case and tell the head of Space Force “You’re out of your jurisdiction here”.

Exactly, they already couldn’t stand what was different from them. They probably didn’t even need the nudge, but Gaston gave it to them.

no magic.

Dude, that’s just what people do on a daily basis now.

idk, it could be kind of interesting to see Gaston as the good, heroic type, and the Prince who becomes beast as the raging asshole.

Hopefully they either wrap up the Handmaiden’s Tale next year, or at least stop with the green wash lens filter for every episode. It just looks like every episode is filmed inside the DC Metro at 3 am.

I mean, it probably IS this Loki if he fixes the timelines. Since predestination is apparently a thing now.

But have you heard of The Ship Of Theseus???

I hope they cast Chris Elliot and make it a Cabin Boy crossover. I always wondered if he bought a monkey or not....

He’s the Hank Pym of the X-men, basically. He’s been pretty unstable since the Morrison run.

Yeah, but most private military contractors are just Army Washouts anyways, so they already get VA benny’s, unless they actually hire “that guy” who couldn’t serve in the military because he’d “punch his DS in the face”

You massively buried the lede here when you entirely skipped over the 2 inch collectable figures in blind boosters....


Gangam Style has like four BILLION views.... Here;s hoping they make a NFT for that as well.

Dark Water has Zombie Cybermen as well. It was kind of Missy’s big plan.