
Anyone who plays Spades properly can tell you it’s Big Joker, Little Joker, Duece, (R)Ace.


Came here to make comments about the awesomeness of FF VI’s cities on the world of light.

Sorry that you have horrible takes to a valid post.

I mean...


I’d fanboygasm if they intro’d Jaegers.

It’s not like the Pac Rim Universe doesn’t have portals to other dimensions already....

“The Guy” is currently residing with Dana White’s “Canadian Model Girlfriend” who’s “On Vacation” this year.

Now playing

for fans of the movie, there’s something really awesome that happened that isn’t getting enough press:

Now playing

It’s good to see that some things are going well for 90's broken up bands....

The Spin Doctors aren’t broken up.


We WeRe JuSt FoLlOwInG oRdErS!!!!!”

Hi, I’d like to buy the 2X2Box, please?

The Crane Kick was an illegal move and Johnny should have been awarded a point and won the All- Valley Championship.

Games also weren’t a service when we were kids.

Funko Pop Morrisey makes a great gift for your girlfriend in a coma.

Funko Pop Morrisey makes a great gift for your girlfriend in a coma.

Parler told me that he ran off with the Quadriga guy who “died” of Crohn’s Disease In India in 2019.

This needs it’s own speed running sub category of ANY TEMP.