
That was the 30's.

Thomas Watson, Sr., set a nominal one percent profit on those products and used the money to establish a fund for widows and orphans of IBM war casualties.”

SO what this article is saying is that a huge Chinese conglomerate will be in charge of producing a game about stopping a Genetic Infection???

You’re Wrong.


Matel Gears:Ssolid CONFIRMED!!!

Wow.... was that a “Git R’ Dun” sign off as well????

It’s like if 90's Image Comics were a mobile game!!!!!

Anything shark related should now and forever be said in Ron Funches voice.

I shared a cigarette with Scarlett Johansson when she was working the comic book show circuit after Ghost World.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!


This is on par, or possibly more dangerous than Putting on “Hellbilly Deluxe” and taking a shot every time Rob Zombie says “Yeah”

This is how Skynet learns how to defeat us.

Don’t Count your chickens, because they’re worth two in the bush.

He’s a fan of Eric Estrada.

Her Plan was to act like the Heath Leger Joker and confuse alpha while Negan used her confusion to his advantage to gain her trust, then slit her throat after specifically warning her plenty of times that this type of shit happens to people who surround themselves by yes men instead of competent support.

My wife even out together that Magna was covered in enough gore to get away with the old “cover yourself in zombie parts” trick that they did in like episode three.

eh. wanted to see J33333 W33333: 33333333 as the title.

Until somebody breaks the Record in an ambulance, there is no record.