
Can we Just count his part in four rooms as a film and be done with him now??

CEO Of Rich Energy 2.0

By saying he’s “The Least Racist” person, he’s still calling himself a racist.

TBF, a lot of people go to Toledo to die.

yeah, i mean, some shopkeepers would just continually buy their won stuff off of me and then i’d go to the mages guild and build spells that would kill everything in a dungeon for me with one click.

and the last of us......

Calling it now: Season 11 will have NPCs who are infected with a Fungus running around the map like zombies, and one of the new weapons will be a “gateway gun, which opens gateways to other parts of the island.

He was traded for dirt on the potential 2020 Democratic candidates.

you are correct. My 16 year old self and the 20 disks it took to istall apologize.

I used to set teleport spells inside the shops, go outside and wait for a few hours until they closed and teleport inside and rob them blind.

every time an EA rep says that it’s just not lucrative enough for them it always reads to me as “It would take too much work adding micro-transactions into that port”, and then the rep lights a cigar with a 1,000 dollar bill.


I’ve had Daggerfall since release, and I’ve never completed the story of it. I just start with an Onyx Dagger and run around naked, killing things.

I have this idea for a music festival with three stages, kind of like OzzFEST used to have, and all it really is, is 23 bands from the 90s playing their one big hit. But the lineup changes for every city based off of availability.

they were pretty funny. before every song they did, they played like three bars of “It was Good” and then would break into whatever other song they were playing, then they walked off without an encore, came back out, said “This is a new song we just started doing for our encore” and played “it was good”.

idk about that.

three years ago Pittsburgh’s Regatta was headlined by Better Than Ezra and The Gin Blossoms.

well, I’m just basing it off of the “Hot 100" listings, which is usually the meter stick for this kind of thing. they had six songs crack it, but the last one was like #82 so i didn’t include it.

Virgil. He needs that F*ck Money.

5 good songs.