
Between the Mass Effect Series and the Witcher series, I hear about all this romancin’ a LOT. Curious to known from individuals why this seems to be so very important to the game? Does it make anything in the game better or do something to the storyline? Or is it just a way to use up the rest of your mom’s lotion? :3

Oh no, Liam sounds like the opposite of the previous black guy love interest, Jacob. Most of my friends found him too boring, but if Fem!Shepard constantly flirted with him you eventually get THE PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZE which is a line reading that makes it worth it. Then he dumps you in ME3.

I get weirded out when seeing my created character’s breasts. Like, thats my daughter

I... I just don’t understand.

Sweet Green Jesus, those faces are so dang bad.
Who the heck okay-ed that animation?

Oh my god, those lifeless eyes, I thought I’d get used to the shitty facial animation by now.

Who’s that dude in the shades? I played through all 3 mass effects and never once saw that guy.

I wonder if seeing that in 4K is better or worse.

TFW you own a 1080 and see the 1080 TI performance improvements:

Funny gif captioned “we’ll bang, okay?”

You know that you’re due for an upgrade when a great big benchmark like this doesn’t list your graphics card.

I got the Witchess ending. Oddly enough I always thought if she survived this ordeal she would become an Empress. She would be a better ruler than anyone else I could think of. Then I realized I didn’t want Ciri to be a witcher, living a crappy life of monster slaying, having no direction and no home, philandering

Just want to pull this out of the grays for all you “But Witcher Ciri..” truthers. Queen Ciri is the true and rightful resolution.

Hey, different strokes for different folks. What works for one family may well not work for another—or even for one child over another.

I grew up with (and still have) a crippling fear of heights. Once, when I was a wee one back in the mid 80's, a park worker had forgotten to unlock a gate near the lot where my folks

Hm, that’s a good question. My parents weren’t unsupportive, but they weren’t very confident in my abilities. Thinking back, I can see how my thoughts about supporting Ciri might have come from thinking she couldn’t handle it. Welp, there’s a fun Freudian crisis to unpack today...

I don’t really play with a specific thought for the ending in mind. I’ve learned with this game that choices with good intentions can lead to some serious misery later on anyways, so I just don’t agonize over the choices anymore. It’s ended with some characters dying (..by my hand in some cases, sorry ‘bout that

Can’t fault you for your instincts—but if it’s not too probing a question, were you parenting in the fashion you were parented, or following your own road?

I interacted with Ciri much the way my folks did with me when I was growing up: I let her face her challenges on her own two legs, but I was never terribly far away

Surprisingly, over ten hours with Zelda this weekend, and no discomfort yet. Played two or three on the TV with the joy-con grip, a half hour with a joycon in each hand, and the rest in portable mode with the controls clipped to the screen. Having the clearance underneath to stretch unused fingers is hecka comfy,