Katherine The Grape

Five bucks says that the “recovery” operation consists of restoring the contents of the various Recycle Bins on the local machines, or at most, a Recuva session.

While that's true, for a lot of games that's just the framing device for the game, whereas the main objective is just to enjoy the ride. I'm not saying that winning shouldn't be important, but if I were that worried about exclusively winning, I'd probably treat videogames as work, which would completely defeat the

actual conversation I heard at the bar a few days ago from a large, white man (I know, shocking):

Girl you fight! She didn't mention you so you can keep fighting for some basic human decency. We other Queer folks, are, unfortunately, now relegated to fighting for defined white bread causes. No working to make sexuality a protected class so that we don't get fired for bringing our girlfriends to the Christmas

Or, OR, she left because she was totally kseeved out by creepy reddit douchenozzles stalking her and trying to prove that no girl could be that good at gamez because GIRLZ ARE FAKE GAMERS GUYZ! MRA! DOWN WITH THE SJW'S!

(I'm actually writing a guide that I'll post next week)