Katherine The Grape

Yeah. I was really hoping that Blizzard would add gamepad support for the PC version of D3. I love how Dungeon Siege 3 played and it’s basically the same concept, and it’s always nice to have another game in my library that I really like to play that I can use the controller with when my carpal tunnel is acting up.

I sense another game for the Oculus Rift.

Like me. I haven't gone full time yet, so I still prefer male pronouns while I'm out and about, because that's how I'm presenting until I switch over.

Because Ghandi knows better than medical professionals.

Would it matter? I mean, honestly. Would they even be open to objective scientific evidence, or will they just offhandedly dismiss it like every other overwhelming bit of evidence for vaccination? The problem with these studies is that they're just preaching to the choir. The people who need to listen, just flat out

Oooooh. I did not know about this.

And a Diablo map. Preferably Hell or even Tristram. Or something goofy to go along with the Lost Vikings IP. There's so much potential that it's kind of sad that it's almost all Warcraft.

You have totally and completely missed the point.

How do you get new people interested in a new boardgame? By engaging them, and teaching them how to play, and NOT by thumping down a manual the size of The Stand and telling them to GTFO until they learn how to read. Most people learn better by doing, and by being

I find there's a couple of problems with this. Firstly, this is the attitude that really puts new people off of trying this game. It's this attitude that you have to start playing matches already at the top of your game or else you shouldn't just play at all. Said teammates usually, instead of recognizing that this

I've tried getting into LoL, but it always seemed to me that for any given character there was only one right way to equip them and buff them out or whatever. I found the learning curve to be prohibitively steep, and without anybody to tutor you, it can get really frustrating trying to figure things out as people yell

And that's the thing that sticks in my craw: "For the first year." Sorry. I don't really want to have to sub to my OS. Most likely when support for Win7 finally dies I'll be switching out to Linux.

But it's really about ethics in comedic satirism.

I know right? Can't stop oppressing you now!!!

Which I'm sure is what she's going for, but the way she said it is very, very off-putting. I know I'm not the only one who's felt that way, too, and you know what they say about the road to hell. Before I get my feathers too ruffled, though (right now I'm just a tad grumbly over it) I'll give her a chance to address

Yeah. The biggest thing that sticks in my craw about that last statement is that it seems to imply that, you know, Gay and PoC have won their fight. Which they haven't. Not by a long shot.

Though, now that I think about it she didn't mention anything about transgenders, so, being a transgender woman, I guess that

Because it's all about ethics in game journalism.

But it's really about ethics in game journalism.

I'm just waiting for the Bill Cosby apologists accusing all these women in trying to cash in on his fame by claiming to be raped.

This is true.

I couldn't agree more. It was obvious that after I picked it up that it was meant to be the Farmville of god-games, and the advantages you got for actually purchasing (or prepurchasing or backing, or what have you) just couldn't offset the pay to win-ness of it.