
Yup. From the link above:

Well, that’s awesome! Thanks much for the info! 

He has to put it in escrow before he can appeal, so either he puts up, or shuts up.

I LOVE this, but seriously, when in the living hell will be finally be forced to pay any of these judgements? Is this rotten POS just going to perpetually appeal this? Where is that limit court-wise. Send in vans of agents and start seizing EVERYTHING! And maybe start with Mar-A-Lardo, because that’s his main criminal

A political party with a recent storied history of financial malfeasance is now the sugar daddy for a man who is also well-known for his financial malfeasance. What could possibly go wrong?!

Kylie, gotta give you props for the Trump header photo choice. He looks like someone just ran up and punched him in the balls offscreen...as he should.

The GOP, maybe. His base already blew all their savings paying for his legal fees and that chandelier over the toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

Yes and yes and yes. Because this is the greatest problem facing Tennessee.

“Am I interested in what the remainder of Everything I Thought It Was might sound like? Not really. Could I be if Timberlake happened to acknowledge the harm he’s perpetrated against Spears (Janet Jackson and any other to whom it applies, too) and properly atoned for them? Yes. Because that would be actual

Worse. He’s an idiot who thinks he’s a deep thinking one-of-a-kind.

Now playing

just breaking down the idea that you just don’t hear that from men often, that they would express an emotion that makes them vulnerable,” -

JFC what rock has Timberlake been living under?! Does he not know who Kanye West is and what he did during and after his marriage to Kim Kardashian?

Jesus Christ. Imagine if these assholes put anywhere near this kind of effort into doing something good-hearted and productive. We’d probably have perfect desalination technology and the goddamned food replicator from Star Trek by now. Or...considering the IQ levels involved here, never mind.

Perhaps a few lawsuits on these judges and politicians, who make these “impossible to fit into” their vague and narrow exceptions rule. Attempted or pre-meditated murder and some wrongful death cases be charged against them for their cruel and unusual punishment against women, for daring to have sex, even if married.

I think the obvious solution here is defenestration.

Except in this case Nikki is like an inch to the left of Trump. Republicans have no real center or center right

If my freedom and actual life weren’t literally at stake, watching these evilly deranged lunatics fight would be slightly amusing.

According to her, they did discuss it and he did not want kids when they got together.    Everyone is entitled to change their minds, but she was not aware going in.

Sofia has a child in his twenties. Joe is younger than her so it’s likely that as he got older, his clock started ticking. Maybe when they went into it, they did agree. People change.

This is my story, too, except instead of a grandfather it was my father who raped and sexualy molested his daughters, sons and any child who he could victimize including nieces, nephews and lord knows how many others. Yes, I was among the victims. My mother was aware he was doing it but because she herself was raped