
Maybe break the cord completely. I know she probably can’t but social media is a monster honestly. I don’t use shit like FB and Twitter and when people ask why I simply say ‘It’s designed to make me find things I don’t like about friends and family very very easily.’

Breathe a little bit, and maybe go outside. Perspective is important. She didn’t manufacture anything. She got caught on camera talking to another human being.

Remember when everyone felt so sorry for Aaron Rodgers because he was estranged from his family?

Does Rodgers not understand that he’s being used by Kimmel and McAfee to generate content? They’re going to keep this going as long as he helps them do it. 

Every accusation is a confession with this asshats. Aaron Rodgers is a pedo, and it should be looked into.

I would really like to see Kimmel sue Rodgers until Aaron’s wealth matches his IQ.

I am so over her. Friends with Mel Gibson. Works with Roman P, Woody...any other child molesters out there she can sign up with?

It isn’t how it sounds.   She was gently ribbing and had glowingly praised the same group in the same paragraph.  It is click bait.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, 'kay?

I read that way too. It sounds like Reynolds had a teensy smidgen of self awareness. But like many others, he did not make any effort to change.

“Oh and you fucked it all up? No. Your split isn’t like getting a flat tire or a paper cut or stepping in gum. It’s the result of very intentional acts on your part.”

Despite my rabid pro-abortion stance, I totally would donate to this cause on the condition that my donation ONLY pay for a memorial to Jessa Duggar’s abortion! I want her name and face all over that thing! I don't care what it costs! 

Men who never deal with the results of their sex lives still decide women’s existence. When will this end? I am 73 years old and hate the people who still dictate others lives. Frankly, it pisses me off.

Anyone who claims they can’t do their job because of their faith should be fired on the spot. We need to stop indulging adults that believe in fairy tales.

American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists and Christian Medical and Dental Associations


I can’t fucking mention the sheer amount of times I’ve had microaaggressive racists in the SE - FL and GA to be specific - tell me that they’re surprised I was so progressive ....because I’m so well-spoken and accomplished and educated.

Oh, and Black. As if thinking critically and speaking your mother

The typo in your edit is so perfect—it encapsulates her dumb butt pretty well.

I’m with you on this one. Having an extremely common and manageable autoimmune disease... I always wonder how long I’ll have to to live in an apocalypse scenario; presuming I’m not taken out first by radiation or diptheria or zombies. I think it just makes sense to “lose” a pill bottle on occasion, or order more “for

“It shows you that Hollywood I am is trying to buy their way into hang on for 5 years to get my Congressional pension.” 

Women of the GOP are insanely disconnected with the current reality of their party. They don’t care if the men are misogynists because they believe the men won’t be misogynistic towards them. Kind of the way way racists always tell one black person that “they’re one of the good ones