
The state of the law in the parts of the country covered by this ruling is that the state can’t require licensed medical professionals to tell the truth, but can require them to lie (the rulings allowing states to require false information be given to patients seeking abortions). If you wrote this as fiction, it would

We have no idea if he was a harm to others. This is none of our business. Stop acting like you’re an expert on their family situation. Not sure why this has anything to do with you involving yourself with a homeless woman you didn’t even know. Family members have a different legal recourse than a complete stranger,

Yeah, I don’t know when an intervention becomes a kidnap? If you had the resources to rescue/kidnap a kid from a bad situation wouldn’t you do it? I know you can take a horse to water etc etc, but if I thought my kid was heading back into a bad place I’d probably force them into rehab, too.

It sounds like he’s a junkie and she was trying to get him into rehab. It’s none of our business so I’m not sure why the media keeps obsessing over it. 

I had a abortion procedure at a youngish age and i couldnt even tell my mom, i felt alone and guilty. Even if its the right decision it still doesnt make it easy, and if you are young it can be confusing, heart goes out to Britney

But they were rich and famous at the time so it’s okay judge them! It’s not like they were two ACTUAL teenagers who were scared and didn’t know what to do. Money and fame buys you wisdom, right?

Timberlake is a huge ass hole. He’s been disparaging Britney for years.

(TMZ also noted that Timberlake tried to comfort her by playing guitar while she was on the bathroom floor in tears. Buddy...a heating pad and some tea would have been more helpful.)

I get what you’re saying but let’s not forget how crazy intensely these two were being watched at the time. All it would have taken would be one person out of either of their “teams” to leak something to have it explode. And, like you say, they were basically kids, but the fall out would have been much worse than

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

I thought the MAGAts were all up for threatening phone calls and literal violence against House members’ families when it was Nancy Pelosi’s husband or Hunter Biden. Now they don’t like it all of a sudden when it’s their own spouses and children? Boo-hoo

It’s shocking/scary how few atheists there are in government (both parties) as well as how difficult it is to get elected without spouting off about your God/faith (in public, at least)

at least one member left to go to the chapel and pray

All the reich-wing have anymore are lies and scare tactics.  It just sucks that it’s effective in getting them what they want.  

DeWine is a petty bitch who has been masquerading as a moderate for far too long by not saying the quiet parts out loud. But make no mistake, he is a petty, petty bitch. Case in point: Mike DeWine is short (probably 5'5" or 5'6"), and I was able to interview him once when he was a senator. He made sure he was seated

Keep voting for Donald-nazis and you end up further and further oppressed—duh.


Also Republicans: Ban Drag Queen, Ban Books, Ban Islam, Ban Gay Marriage, Ban Abortion, Ban Climate Change Legislation, Ban Gender Affirming Care, Ban Free School Lunches, Ban Student Loan Forgiveness, Ban Aide to Ukraine.....

We tired of these people yet?
Vote Blue

It’s up to voters to see through their misleading rhetoric

My wife and I did early in-person voting this morning. Two votes for yes on 1 (and 2 BTW). Now it’s up to the rest of the state. I’m encouraged by how MANY people turned out to defeat the Right’s attempt to remove Issue 1 from the ballot back in August.