
I wasn’t trying to lecture.

Imagine Melania trying to come up with clever ways for him to get offed.

I’m raising an autistic child and am heavily involved in arts programs for special needs children, so spare me your lectures. His school, Oxbridge Academy, is a rich snot school and if this was a deep dark secret hidden by the Trumps, Rupert would’ve leaked it in the Post when he was mad at Donnie.

Michelle Obama’s bare arms were a scandal, but I can literally find full nudes of Melania everywhere.

But what in her past could he weaponize at this point? It’s not a secret she was an escort. He can have video of her being passed around like a party favor and nobody would care.

You guys have a pretty bad understanding of autism, at least some of you admit it. That’s good! But it doesn’t justify your limited knowledge. Musk admitted to be on the spectrum, and he has expressed autistic traits, but that didn’t make him immune to being a wealth-driven asshole.

Even if this kid was autistic, he’s

My dream is that as soon as he hits 18 he moves to a mountain town somewhere and completely disavows his bullshit parents. It’s a longshot, but it’d be neat.

The whole “finally a real first lady with class” nonsense was always just some dog whistle racism aimed at Michelle Obama. 

Wondering how much leverage she actually has with Tiny Tight Fists at this point. I mean, if she had to delay moving from NY to DC for months in order to negotiate a pre-nupgrade in 2017, and extramarital rape was required for her subsequent upgrades, I’m curious to know what is she going to use now?

My oldest son is Autistic (on the spectrum where Asperberger’s used to be) and is only one year younger than Barron. During the Trump presidency every time my wife and I saw Barron, he definitely appeared to present certain autistic behavior/demeanor. But I am not an expert and don’t know Barron. I only live everyday

His wealth inflating lies have a long history. I remember watching Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous back in the 80's (“Champagne wishes and caviar dreams!”), when the end of most episodes would have a countdown of the world’s richest men. This was before software & hedge fund scoundrels topped the list, so it was

I try not to shit on children, especially children who seem... off. But... something seems “off” with him.

Being extremely tall can be sort of a mixed bag, though, even for dudes. Sure, it’s generally a positive attribute, and being normal-tall (say, 6'4) is great. But once you get noticeably beyond normal-tall, you really stand out in a way that can be uncomfortable, especially for a self-conscious teenager. At 17, I

Shame Donnie never managed anything as honest as running a brothel.

Reminder that Donald Trump named his son after “John Barron,” the fake PR person he invented to talk to reports and exaggerate his wealth.

Honestly thought she’d be flat-backing for a Saudi Prince by now. Or an elderly Italian with an inheritance estate in Tuscany and a portrait of Mussolini over his bed.

Germany kicking Granddad out of the country despite him having money from his days running a brothel was a perfect predictor for what has happened. 

Are... are you comparing the description of noting that a man is very tall (a generally positive attribute), to fat shaming someone? This is a deranged comment.

Bootstraps? Let him steal his own money just like dad and his forefathers. If the breathless bigots of the far right propaganda machine are to be believed, all Barron has to do is change his pronouns and run rampant in the WNBA for a fast paycheck. Idiots.

I would be more inclined to give a shit about her getting money from Trump if she wasn't just as big of a piece of shit as her husband.  The best thing that kid could do is get a DNA test showing the fat fuck isn't his father.