
“Ayn Rand literature”

May his death be slow and painful.

I did not get justice, but I did send him an email once telling him he would never be forgiven (he claimed to be a devout Christian) and he would go to his grave without forgiveness. That made me feel better at least. Thank you.

I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you got justice. And if not justice, I hope you’ve had therapy to process what you went through.

I was abused for six years by a teacher at a private school. Fuck no would I like to go through that again. Plus, even the good times weren’t as good as the times I had as an adult. No sex when you’re seven.

I remember growing up in the 80s having serious anxiety and nightmares about the world coming to an end in a nuclear holocaust.

Do you remember when you were young and life was more better?”
“You mean when you were a child who knew nothing and were super ignorant about the world beyond yours?”

There really shouldn’t be, but this is an unfortunate byproduct of low life expectancy early in the nation’s history. It was never addressed and now we have to deal with it ourselves.

We also have the electoral college. Essentially, this is a slaver’s constitution designed to empower white male land holders. We’re pretty far from any democratic ideal. 

He’s signaling that he wants a new lawsuit to make its way through the courts so the Supremes can outlaw birth control. He’s practically begging for this to happen. 

Being un****able is not intentional!” - Thomas, probably

I cannot imagine a single logical reason to outlaw the birth control pill, because there is none.

How there even had to be a ruling to allow people the right to use it blows my mind.


There shouldn’t be lifetime appointments of power in a democracy.

Clarence Thomas is a criminal who sells his vote on the court. He needs to be jailed.

Content warning on the half-naked Tate pictures, please. He’s horrible enough clothed. I don’t need to see him pouting and flexing in a black diaper.

Triple threat match on the cliff of an active volcano, pleaseandthankyou.

I’ve heard those stories too, but based on his life in general willingness to do anything to curate his own self-image, I’m going to go ahead and guess that about fifteen years ago he went back and paid some school friends to say he was nice to a black person once.

Given Zuck’s younger age, the fact that he appears to be in far better shape than Elon, the fact that he’s been training jiu-jitsu for a while already (presumably with a coach who knows what the fuck they’re doing,) and the fact that these sorts of fights often come down to stamina and endurance... my money's on Zuck.