
How could they line up to take these shots from this government knowing that this government gave smallpox-infested blankets to the First Nations people? Gave syphilis to Black prisoners in Tuskegee? Told us there was weapons of mass destruction before they leveled Iraq and destroyed Libya?

Huh--mercurial boundary is the bit I understand better. The bounds of what an actor is and isn’t asked to do/willing to do moves. Because they change, because norms or morals change, because coworkers are different, etc.

“Hey, Penn. We know it’s your body and you and your wife have discussed this, but we just found out some jackass with 1,699 followers on Twitter got a bunch of likes for saying your stance was off-putting, so we’ve re-evaluated and now we think you’re an asshole and you should just wrap your lips around a nipple on

Well put.

What I find off-putting are anonymous Twitter users who think a streaming subscription entitles them to have an opinion on where Badgley puts his hands or mouth or crotch.

If we’re lucky... it’s madness.

Thank you for the sensible take.

In full-time pandemic America, I shame no one for whatever makes them happy as long as it’s consensual and no one feels like they have to go along. Spending the money is unnecessary, but some people will do it, regardless. Come on, there’s never been a better time to make excuses why you can’t join in on something.

For whatever reason, the idea of a whole bunch of ALPHA MALES or whatever bumming around shopping at Target is funny to me. I’m sure that they complain about how it isn’t a real auto parts store and that all the seasonal stuff is for cucks, yet somehow walk out $200 lighter anyway.

Nick Adams can have Palentine’s Day I guess. And then go fuck himself.

“If SHE got cheated on the rest of us really have no hope,”

Hair care products and whose outfit is shiniest?

Commenters quickly picked up what the Jennifer’s Body actress was putting down. “If SHE got cheated on the rest of us really have no hope,” wrote one.

WTF do two people like this talk about?

I think the end was especially sad because despite what Joel said earlier about how when you’re a kid nobody is relying on you, Ellie clearly felt like Sam was relying on her and feels guilty for letting him down :( yeah this was depressing as hell. The bloater was cool though :P

Watching this episode knowing how it was goong to end was rough. 

I love Melanie too! Huge, huge fan.

Lynskey’s great in the part so far. She’s got that interesting “disappointed schoolteacher” vibe that only slightly conceals her ruthlessness as the leader of the KC rebels.

I thought Lynskey was absolutely perfect for the role and found it to be a really great (and realistic) take on what a post-apocalyptic society would like, with people like everyday, dowdy suburban housemoms (speaking of the vibe, not necessarily her character’s actual background, which I know nothing about) being

Jesus fuck. These god damned people and their stupid body obsessions. Our entire society is warped by these depraved expectations. But was not always like this.