
Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) introduced the resolution. Miller said the Minnesotan representative “attempted to undermine” American-Israeli relations, which disqualifies her from sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee, apparently.

If I remember correctly wasn’t her statement about an Isreali Lobbying group? While maybe not in the best words, it seems fair to accuse a foreign lobbying group of using it’s money and connections for it’s own nations interests regardless of whether they align with our countries. I would be pretty disappointed if the

Oh my God, only men in America would think that breastfeeding is all about them instead of, you know, the baby who needs to survive.

I dunno. The couple had already fired one wedding planner, so that points to them as the possible common denominator. The fact that they cite to a text exchange in which one planner mentioned going for a tequila (to which the bride reacted supportively at the time) as evidence they were drunk on the job is so weak it

There’s also a corporate “ladies would be so much prettier if they just smiled” vibe about this, that I really, really hate.

I was thinking something more like the new manager felt the need to follow the “rule” to the letter for fear of being fired (and then being without their own dental/health care). Same root cause though: it was Capitalism all along.

But I didn’t realise, twenty-odd years on, that his inherited fame was going to involve seeing him do that one expression in every photo, that sort of half-squint and neutral mouth expression that says ‘No I don’t need glasses I can read it just fine’.”

Everything I’ve read about Nicola Peltz makes her sound like she’s just the WORST. She sounds utterly insufferable, and Brooklyn seems to have the personality of damp cardboard.

Considering the amount of time and trouble involved in any wedding, much less one involving celebrities (his family, not hers) not only should the deposit be non-refundable, but the planners should also be able to sue the Putz family for being out of touch, out of line, out of pocket and out of their minds.

There’s a very good chance I’m doing this math wrong (ratios!), but if you used a regular person’s net worth — let’s say they’re lucky and have savings/investments of $140,000 (plus that amount makes the math easier)— then the $159,000 Peltz claims to be owed, in the context of their $1.4B net worth, is the

I had to look up what a Brooklyn Beckham is. I wish I hadn’t.

I remember when the inferior David and Victoria (way way behind the great David Mitchell and Victoria Coren-Mitchell) had this kid, and all the tabloids were laughing at his dumb name. And obviously he was going to get multiple leg-ups into the A-list from having famous parents. But I didn’t realise, twenty-odd years

Seriously I had to look her up. She was Katara in that terrible Last Airbender movie and stood out in being utterly incapable of acting as I remember so that is saying something.

It was exhausting just spending a couple minutes reading the article about that family, I cannot imagine interacting with any of them.

Peltz, whom her dad describes as a “world-famous actress,”

Sounds like they showed remarkable restraint in limiting themselves to just the one tequila after dealing with this family.

“all Sheetz employees must have and remain with a perfect beautiful warm welcoming smile”

If anyone else needs $90 million wasted, I think I'd be darling at it.

I mean, saying it would have hurt their reputations is probably as honest as it will get, but these are the same people that think Ezra Miller is so talented that he keeps getting work when by all accounts he should be put to pasture.