
My first thought was "Who?". And my second thought was "fuck her anyway, she clearly sucks for marrying him."

Never understood the hate.  And she looked great in a plaid skirt and knee socks!

People need to get the fuck off the internet, and we also need to start ignoring all these people who live their lives online. Full stop.

My idea of conservative Thunderdome is pitting them against each other two at a time until there’s only one left.

Yep. Getting rid of abortion only punishes SOME whores. Getting rid of birth control makes sure we all suffer.

It’s pure FUD. Flood the zone with bullshit, some of it will stick. They’re trying to get people thinking “hey wait, the Pill is dangerous?” so they’ll be more receptive to efforts to restrict it.

If the Pill did make women lesbian or bi-sexual, then wouldn’t this have been known about half a century ago when the Pill first became popular ? And wouldn’t there be a lot more women who “crossed over” to the wild side since the 1970's ? Fear, a favorite tactic of the GOP and the forced birther groups. Truth and

If birth control made me a lesbian, then I wouldn’t need birth control anymore. I used birth control because I liked a good dicking and I didn’t want to get pregnant.

They are coming after birth control, people. This has always been just under the surface, occasionally peeking out here and there. But Roe being repealed now has them all excited about finally shifting the Overton window on it.

Absolutely. People seem to forget the touching AIDS sufferers now because it might be too iffy to talk about but that was such a huge moment for gay men then. And she certainly did it unprompted and not for a photo-op because I’m sure everyone on her team would have advised her against it at that time.

Accessible doesn’t mean she was middle class and did her own groceries. She was “accessible” in that she had a warmth and a personality that most people of her social class didn’t/don’t. She hugged sick children hospital patients at a time when most royals doing charity barely showed up for a photo op and waved hello

Fuck Schiaparelli, fuck Kylie Jenner and this fucking fake trophy hunting.  This is sick and it should not be tolerated.

1) Diana wasn’t “accessible.” She came from money. If she had been a commoner in any way, the Queen wouldn’t have picked her.

This animal head thing needs to die ASAP, along with whatever that red thing is.

Which is why my spouse and I, both unapologetically pro everything the GOP hates, had four kids that we are raising with the same beliefs. We figure one of our kids will effectively cancel out 4-5 brainwashed stepford kids. 

Bullshit. Voting for Clinton or Biden v Trump doesn’t not make you culpable for this.

Uh, can we talk about the choice that says “when a baby can survive outside the womb, as early as 21 weeks”? Not that these assholes actually care about the quality of life inflicted on a 21-weeks baby, but are they actually admitting that a fetus needs a mother at 20 weeks? Last I heard from these fuckwads, it was

The first five minutes of Idiocracy is never not going to be relevant when talking about the culture wars.

More kids > more people in debt > eventually more money in their pockets.

He’s not entirely wrong. They’ve spent 50 years having babies early and making their terrible states worse, while the rest of us went to college or educated ourselves in other ways, and moved society slowly forward in spite of them. As long as they keep having too many kids and trying to brainwash them, they’ll have a