
Because when I think about Mardi Gras, and the culture, Mel Gibson is the first thing that comes to mind.

In 1991, they removed Woody Harrelson as grand marshal because he participated in anti-war protests. The krewe captain at the time said, “We don’t need this kind of controversy.”

The misplaced, unearned confidence comes from decades of being told you’re special because you have a dick.

These guys think they're ACTUALLY tough? Challenge each other to a fucking duel, you pansy bitches. Coming from the party where guns rule, if you aren't using them, you aren't a REAL MAN. 

It is beyond any and all of my comprehension why every single time someone in the media mentions Matt Gaetz, it isn’t immediately followed by “who is currently under federal investigation for raping and sex trafficking a child.”

I just find it rich when old, privileged, out of shape white men act like they can pull off any physical altercation.

It was the 2012 Election. Ryan Seacrest bragged about it which is when people pointed out that voters were allowed to vote more than once on American Idol and this lead to a closer examination of American Idol voting policies. This was actually a widely covered story so maybe refrain from calling people stupid.

Because that is what is working for their family right now. It’s none of our business why. The baby is clearly happy and being cared for. Baby is getting a lot of bonding time with Dad. Just enjoy the cute baby and move on with your day. 

now he’s seemingly alone in DC doing everything for the baby, as well as doing his job?

It’s highly doubtful you would have the same mentality if he was a female congressperson.

There are plenty of examples of representative democracies working. The issue in the US is that “Supermajority” is baked into damn near everything. 

This shouldn’t surprise you at all. I’d say about 1/4 people actually pay any attention to politics or vote based off more than what their family votes for. There is a reason it is so easy for con artists to win elections. I know many people that have no clue about anything outside of what they hear at church on

I live in Boston and had a conversation yesterday with someone who was like “what’s the big deal about Maura Healey - who cares she’s a woman and gay,” - like yeah it’s a big deal that one of the original states had never elected a woman to be governor, and that not even very long ago being gay would have ruined her

I honestly don’t think so. I think a whole lot of people have no idea what’s going on, sadly. I recently spoke to a customer of mine in Massachusetts who shared a last name with the newly elected governor there so I made a comment about it and she had no idea what I was talking about. I honestly thought she was

Roll Call identifies him as an aide, perhaps interestingly, in an article stating that if the House doesn’t adopt a rules package by Jan 13th, payroll and other benefits will not be processed for staff of therefore nonexistent-committees, but that staff of Member offices would likely be okay.

Adam Driver (with a hair cut)?

The day she supposedly took her life was the day she told ME she was being committed for a month under the supervision of her psychiatrist. I was her editor. In August she had told me that she had been placed on a 72 hour hold while they adjusted her meds. At the beginning of September, she was leaving the book world

Seriously. My folks raised me to think that anyone who had more than one per driver was pretty much a jerk (excluding, say, an extra pickup trick for someone who worked as a builder or repair guy...something professionally necessary). Some guy telling me he had 33 cars would be the reddest of red flags.

Speaking of that Tate supporters, I’m astonished by Adin Ross(twitch streamer I believe, never heard of him until the last few months) who idolizes Tate.

Ouch. Imagine the moment when you realize you were outmaneuvered by the brain trust of Florida Man and Beta Palin. That’s got to be a hard look in the mirror.