
This little perv cost us our xmas with his expensive thyroid disease but it’s ok, we love him more than presents 😍

he looks just like my childhood cat Nero! <3

i’m so sorry.

i can understand why no one is filling your request, you need so much attention! you’ve clearly become exhausting to deal with.

she derails threads to gain attention for herself, that much is glaringly obvious. everything has to be about her, apparently, it’s depressing and annoying.

she’s 47 and he’s 30

i’m so very sorry for your loss! my god so young and children too. i lost my best friend in 2007 to a brain aneurysm, she was only 28. i’m still processing it, because it’s too unfair.

more like one of The Gentlemen than Voldemort

isn’t Emma playing Liam’s sister in this movie?

my god, you’re absolutely ridiculous. have you even looked at the stats on violence in our cities?

nope, i have no taste when it comes to wine, i’ll drink whatever’s placed in front of me, lol.

you called me scum, you got the response you deserved. how ridiculous thinking that your anec-data proves one city is worse than all the rest of them. the sad truth is that in every single city across Canada there are racist assholes. you just didn’t run into them, where exactly? Vancouver? Toronto? Winnipeg? all

you’re rather senseless, lol.. the asshole i responded to stated that everyone who lives in Hamilton is scum, which is fucking lazy and reactionary. the vast majority of people here are not racists, despite her anec-data. muslim communities in all north american cities have had racism and hate directed at them and

my eyes! what hideousness! all those pretty, pretty girls drowned in dregs from a landfill, oy.

as someone who has lived in every major city in Canada and now resides in Hamilton, may i offer you a hearty fuck you.

oh yes, of course, they do shows in several different cities. that doesn’t change the fact that they are Canadians, that the show has a Canadian production team, is made specifically for a Canadian audience (it’s not an HGTV originating show, it’s Cineflix), and that the brothers are part of the decision process. if

if i have to say the whole word i say it the same way you do. but normally i call them rads for short. i live in a Victorian and we have rads in every room.they’re pretty and the cats adore sleeping on them in the winter, heh.

nestle will get all our water before you have a chance.

uhm, yes? something’s flying over my head right now, right? :-D i call ‘em “rads”.

i loved This Old House and Trading Spaces and agree the designs and renos are far too extravagant these days, with all the character getting stripped out etc. and you basically learn nothing you can do yourself. lately the only show i watch on HGTV is of the tiny house variety tho the novelty is starting to wear thin.