
Todd Rokita is a colossal fuckstick.

Last week, Laena Velaryon committed suicide by dragon-fire after a difficult labor. Her reasons for doing this are up to viewer interpretation, because the show gives us very little to go on.

How so? Wait, wait! Don’t tell me!

All Things Considered is totally different.

I feel like, as it was with WandaVision, an assessment of how source-material-accurate it is is likely best discerned by folks who’ve seen (and, arguably to a degree, appreciated) the campy earnestness of the original show.

Here’s another positive one... and from RogerEbert.com no less. 3.5 stars out of 4!

Rob Zombie as a director is polarizing. I have known a lot of people who loved his work but personally I can’t stand it. I feel like he is coming from a place of homage but just ends up copying what better horror film makers have done before better.

Yeah “in the hands of the gods” meant let them both die, because it would take a miracle to get to another outcome.

The on-screen events of House of the Dragon on Sunday hit too close to home when they simply didn’t need to.

I’ma go out on a limb here and say that no one gave a shit about Robb, Arya or Daenerys when Game of Thrones premiered. Ned Stark getting beheaded was the moment we realized that shit just got real. Anyone watching got notice that things were not what they seemed.

A: Why does every article about this mention Miller’s pronouns and gender identity? It’s completely irrelevant unless to suggest it plays either some part in what they’re accused of doing or is some placed there as though it’s some kind of mitigating factor.

Someone dial 1-900-MIXALOT! This guy likes big butts but is both lying and denying it!

I see everyone is taking the easy way out on this discussion now bemoaning the world is going to hell while totally ignoring the dynamics that put this in motion. I wish we could bring this back to a discussion of the truly fucked prison system in this country.

Neither one of them realize the call is coming from inside the house!

I thought it was a universal understanding that grandmas give candy to their grandkids. It’s like a secret superpower where grandmas have unending amounts of candy in their purse.

Do you think that may have been a tell of some sort? Like hey Ron, would you like a Tesla factory there as you are waging war on Disney. Less Union protections there than in California and even Texas. Seems to me this guy does all his cocktail room deals out on twitter since he’s a choad. 

This is a fantastic thread by a Rabbi who further explains the Jewish viewpoint on abortion rights and access:

It’s also international. An Australian conservative TERF senator (Clair Chandler, whose entire career seems to revolve around nothing, no issues whatsoever, beyond hating trans women) just put forward our first “no trans in sports” bill with the enthusiastic endorsement of the Prime Minister (“it’s a terrific Bill and

My first thought when I saw the picture was “Wow, this guy is a modern day Rosa Parks. The similiarities in every way are just remarkable. Carry on, freedom fighter.”

This is reminiscent of Famine in “Good Omens”.